Has anyone used Accura scopes looking for feed back if they any good
Im looking at getting there 3x18x50 Tracker scope but have not seen any reviews on they so unsure if i want to take the risk
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Has anyone used Accura scopes looking for feed back if they any good
Im looking at getting there 3x18x50 Tracker scope but have not seen any reviews on they so unsure if i want to take the risk
I wrote and asked them where the scopes are made (they are an Aussie company).
Made in China, but there are good and bad products coming from China.
Those scopes may be fine.
I was looking at the Accura Reacher 4.5 - 27 model but finally went with a (Made in China) Vector Taurus 6-24x50 (lifetime warranty, German glass).
I agree...no reviews to be found.
I have never heard of this brand. but I am a sucker for cheapy scopes, your post piqued my interest so I did some digging.
1. An quick search on google for Accura Scope official website yields no results at all. That is odd. Every other cheap scope that I had looked into in the past had an official website.
2. Most retailer sites do not explain what this brand is, the only place that has some info is https://huntingdepot.com.au/. They say these scopes are from an aussie owned business called Accura Outdoors and is Aussie owned "Since 1934". How could it be that a company has been around since 1934 and we never heard of it? if you click the "learn more" button it only takes you to a list of Accura products, you do not actually learn more.
3. Accura Outdoors which does have an official website: https://accuraoutdoors.com/. But the picture is only getting muddier. For starters their website does not list any scopes as their products. their listed products are bullets and merchandise.
4. Looking through their website there is nothing that suggests or supports the "since 1934" claim. The "about us" link tells you literally nothing about who they are. What is even more curious is that there is no legal name anywhere - no company name, no names of key persons involved. Even in the terms and conditions - where you would normally find the legal entity (otherwise, who does these terms belong to?) - contains no names of the legal entity.
5. Checking https://abr.business.gov.au/ I cannot find any company with the name Accura Outdoors. there is an Accura PTY LTD, but it has only been around since 1999 and it was under a different name until 2007.
6. A whois domain registration search tells you nothing again. Almost all registration information is hidden and the only information is that it is registered in Arizona.
You draw your own conclusion.