Greetings All,
There are a couple of things that can result in apparent better accuracy at longer ranges. Note the word apparent. The first is scope parallax. Non parallax adjustable scopes are set to be parallax free at 150 metres or more. This can result in slightly larger groups at 100 metres than 150 to 200 metres in MoA. The rifle is not more accurate at the longer range, it's just better aimed. For longer range with the .303 target rifles the reason is a little different. Talking to some of the older target shooters who had used the No 4 Lee Enfields they believed that the rifles tended to throw faster projectiles a little low and slower ones a little high. The ammunition they were using was military and velocity varied somewhat so the rifles compensated (their words) and brought the fliers closer to the centre at longer range. All but one of the rifles I have had over the years strung the shots up the target as velocity increases, some much more than others. The exception was a Winchester 88 in .308 which strung them in the other direction. Never tried it at 900 yards though.
Regards Grandpamac