CCI subsonics have worked well in my 10/22 supressed.
Patience Is A Virtue
I have a slightly older 10/22 and the CCI subbies work a treat. 5 shot single hole @ 25meters and 1 1/2" group @ 100m using a bench rest. Standard rounds open up to >5" at 100m. In contrast I cannot get my Winchester .22 mag shooting anything less than 5" at 100m no matter what ammo I try.
As an aside the manual that came with my 22mag says DO NOT ever run hornady critical defense 22wmr ammo through the rifle...
I know it's primarily designed for pistols but wonder what the issue is.
born to hunt - forced to work
Picked up fiocchi 38gn Lead Round Nosed Hollow Point Subsonics at gun city, they shot fantastically accurate
Tested them in my 10/22 at 50m against
CCI Standard velocity
CCI Subsonic
Aguila Standard Velocity
Aguila Subsonic
Fiocchi Official 300 match grade
Fiocchi Official Rapid Fire 280
Average velocity over 34 shots was 1025fps with a Standard deviation of 24fps and extreme spread of 95
If I'm honest the CCI Sub velocities were the most consistent (E.S.50 fps S.D. 11fps) but my groups didn't reflect this.
This was my 50m 10 shot group for the Fiocchi
That is one very good group, for any gun, let alone a 10/22.
Some fine shooting all right. Thats 10 headshot rabbits smacked over.
Just picked up an extra box of CCI subs today in Rangiora, they have doubled in price since I bought the last lot 6 months ago
I just started a new 500 box of CCI Sandard Velocity. Holy shit! What’s happened! I’m getting 1 in 5 going supersonic, and the odd one going ffftthh and falling way short. Quality of this batch is awful, never seen anything like it. They’re going back to the supplier.
Farmlands have gone out of all ammunition, apparently company directive.