Underground shooting requires active ventilation unless you ultimately wanna speak with an Aussie accent..
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Underground shooting requires active ventilation unless you ultimately wanna speak with an Aussie accent..
The Nelson NZDA range is a 200yd range with 25 covered benches and a concrete block room back from the firing line that is often used for reloading.
This range was used for the 2001 and 2017 World Benchrest Champs, and I think the Nelson range is as good if not better than the Tok range.
Hutt Valley NZDA range also has a covered firing line with 8 benches and a shed that can be used for reloading, this range used to be used for the NZDA North Island Benchrest Champs until the shoot was moved to the Tok range, which also has 8 benches.
Yeah @7mmsaum has a thread on here somewhere from moons ago about the Houston wharehouse, it was chucked about on the forum for a while to do something, at the same time we were draining some wet winter paddocks and just so happens I ended up with a deep drench just over 300m long, covered in one end so we could shoot in the rain, only got used zeroing really so eventually got filled in, as the gong set up was hard to beat.
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The pipe only needs to be for the first 1 or 2 swctions then open out into a trench with a backstop behind
Fence off side access to the trench
Needs a fan blowing air downrange - it is called "plug flow" in terms of fluid dynamics
I worked on the Police Range at the Training College in Aotea and they had series of fans moving the air (and propellant gasses) downrange with extractors at the other end sucking it out
Range was designed for frangible rounds
Talking about all weather shooting ranges, this is where the Olympic shooting disciplines will be hosted.
It also hosted the recent World Benchrest Champs.
100ha and numerous shooting ranges
at first glance it looks like it says something else :D what a cool looking set up
There’s a video on YouTube of an in door shooting complex in Germany complete with skeet ranges, running boar, pistol and other ranges aswell as an on site gun shop and restaurant.
The Tokoroa shooting complex is a fantastic setup which you can visit any day if the week but weekends were generally booked with some event happening.
Some other ranges I shot on in Austria would have shooting benches we shot from and every 20 or so metres there were large wooden beams 7-8 mtrs high going across the ranges which acted like baffles for sound and safety in case a round was discharged in an upward manner.
At the benches there were TV monitors which captured bullet strikes on target which saved a bit of leg work.
It is a real cool setup, the number and type of ranges available is fantastic.
On the 600m range you shoot from the upper firing line and on the same range you shoot from the lower firing line to shoot out to 300m. There is about 3m in elevation between the two firing lines.
There are target cams setup to see your shots on target.
There are full time employees and coaches present during the week, an armory for firearm storage, restaurant, and all the facilities you would need to host and run International events.