I'm wanting to get some practice in shooting at ranges around 500yards. Does anyone know where I can do this? Or have a setup for this that there willing to share with a keen young fella? Can supply laughs and beer ect.
I'm wanting to get some practice in shooting at ranges around 500yards. Does anyone know where I can do this? Or have a setup for this that there willing to share with a keen young fella? Can supply laughs and beer ect.
You will find some deer at 500 yards on top of the Longwoods !
I'd be keen for a walk next week as a spotter - arriving back in Invercargill after 31 years on Thursday !
Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.
T.S. Eliot
Need to do some verifying prior to poping one off at that distance mate.. next few weeks are no good for me but send me a pm if your keen for a hunt sometime.
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Cheers, I'll PM you when I get settled in my new house. Got to buy some furniture and sort out some landscaping before a family get together on October 30th.
Would be keen to host a local Forum BBQ early December if any one else is interested.
I'm still going to the same SPOT X's that I frequented 30 years ago and shooting (spooking) deer so I'm not looking to encroach on anyone's territory.
Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.
T.S. Eliot
I'm in the process of setting up a range at my farm got 800 meters and can stretch out to 1300 but don't want to shoot at that spot at the moment cause there are deer hanging about. Will be ready for shooting in a couple weeks. Have 6 gongs at the moment but 2 are only 100 x 100 . Give us a yell when the weathers more settled and we can organize a day . Nice pics of bald hill by the way
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Sweet @Cartman will do that.. where abouts in Southland are you?
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Bout 10 min east of whyndham .
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Oh nice. Some good rolling hills out there. You backing onto some native? I used to do some shooting out at Brendan cookes who's in that vacinity.. @Cartman
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Yeah I'm right in the catlins
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Apologies in advance! I am in a great hunting country but not enough for a long range shooting kind of thing( unless I want to walk and care a "bit" of wait way up the hills) so if you guys allow me I would like to crash your "party" if possible.
I am few hours out north from you guys but would love to practice my skills in ranges over 500mts.
i would be keen to, if you want to make a day of it,as long as it worked in with my shift work.
What shift you on now @HUNTY
send me a text if ya can as I lost all my contacts from phone.
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Will look at doing something on Saturday the 31st I think it is if that works for people. Any one got any more steel?
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Im working 0500 to 1700.. bugger.
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Mate it's southland it's light till 10oclock
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