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Thread: Anyone a member of SSANZ or The NZ NSA?

  1. #1
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    Anyone a member of SSANZ or The NZ NSA?

    I'm in the process of joining both of these outfits. After all the shit going down in America I want to do my bit to make sure we don't end up like Aussie or worse.

  2. #2
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    NSA Member

  3. #3
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    I will be re joining NSA just gotta pay up. SSANZ is good for fuck all, their heart is in the right place but they have no clout. Have faded into obscurity.

  4. #4
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    I will be re joining NSA just gotta pay up. SSANZ is good for fuck all, their heart is in the right place but they have no clout. Have faded into obscurity.
    But you do get the guns and hunting subscription with it for $5 more than it normally costs... S I'm dong that too.
    Same boat as you, just gotta make the payment to the NSA. Their forum is basically empty so was wondering if they actually had anything going on.

  5. #5
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    The NSA make themselves look like crazy extremist assholes by having shit like

    For those wishing to prepare for the forthcoming police gun-grab. A product with the same preservative qualities as cosmoline is available here: PVC drainpipe can be obtained from Bunnings or any good plumbing outlet.

    on their website. Yeah, "subtly" encouraging people to bury illegal guns. Good job retards, doesn't make the rest of us look like unbalanced idiots at all.

    At least they got rid of all the US NRA inspired crap about having guns to overthrow the government, etc.

  6. #6
    Member Nzgunner's Avatar
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    I'd like like my kids to grow up and have the option of owning firearms including semi autos. I'm joining the NSA

  7. #7
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    It must be a sheltered wee corner of the world that I live in a I have been sublimely ignorant of both of these organisations. Still am as the letters mean nothing to me.
    distant stalker likes this.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  8. #8
    Gone But Not Forgotten Toby's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know
    Im in the same boat as rushy

  9. #9
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Me too
    Gibo likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by RimfireNZ View Post
    ...just gotta make the payment to the NSA. Their forum is basically empty so was wondering if they actually had anything going on.
    Curious, but why would you choose to join an organisation that their own members don't participate in their own forum ?

    I think Gimp summed up the NSA succinctly

    SSANZ - Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand. Website is here.
    The Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand was established in 1989 as the Shooter's Rights Association. Our aims and objectives are:

    To promote safety and firearms in New Zealand.

    To help promote the growth of all firearms clubs in New Zealand.

    To assist and guide new firearms licence applications and existing licence holders with the new changes.

    To attend firearms seminars and meetings on behalf of the members to express their views and concerns.

    To help obtain the assistance of local Councils and Local Bodies for a public firearms range in your area.

    To liaise with the elected M.P.s of your area for their help and co-operation in firearms related matters and to promote M.P.'s or candidate who are favourable to firearms.

    To protect and enhance existing firearms laws and regulations for the benefit of lawful firearms users and their families.

    To help and assist New Zealand Police for promotion and understanding of good firearms laws.

    To campaign for tougher penalties for the unlawful misuse of firearms or weapons used in criminal acts of violence or robbery and to help promote counselling or compensation for victims of those crimes.

    To foster a change through education in the attitudes of those who are not aware of the benefit of all firearms related sports and activities.
    NSA - National Shooters Association - website is here.

    The National Shooters Association (NSA) was formed, in 2009, by a group of people concerned at unlawful administration of the Arms Act 1986 by anti-gun extremists from police national headquarters. Richard Lincoln, the founding President of the NSA, initiated a legal challenge and a nation wide appeal for participation from all civilian gun owners to support the judicial review (the "Save Our Butts" campaign) opposing the illegal police reclassification of sporting rifles as military style firearms.

    The group that formed as a result of the judicial review went on to become the National Shooters Association. Within 48 hours of its launch the NSA had over 100 members signed up and today many more have joined the NSA ranks. The NSA now stands firmly for the rights of all civilian gun owners; covering all genres of sport shooting.

    The primary aim of NSA is to ensure that civilian gun owners receive the full protection of the law against police anti-gun extremist initiatives. NSA is involved in many projects that benefit civilian gun owners and lobbies the legislature for rational and sensible arms control law.
    Last edited by Kscott; 26-12-2012 at 09:10 AM.
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  11. #11
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Well it was the NSA who (for better or worse) took NZ Poloce to court when they cheanged their "interpretation" of what was and wasn't a pistol grip as regards MSSAs. Was when they suddenly decided that SL8s were overnight E Cat. They took police to court and the judges ruled in favour of NSA. Told police they were there to interpret the law and a "Military Pattern Pistol Grip (as laid down in the regs was exactly that a Pistol Grip with a NATO or Mil Part number. Anything else was not the same, which is why you now have all these A Cat ARs on the market. This is also the reason for the police wanting changes to the arms act to become the same as their "interpretation"

    So far it would apprear that the NSA are the teeth of the bear and Colfo (who always just advise gun owners to comply) have become something else

    I fear will all be in vain those as all the while NZ firearms owner groups will sell each other down the river police/politicians laugh.

  12. #12
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    Mikee FYI but over at the 'other' forum when the NSA was starting up, they alienated a lot of shooters by proclaiming "you're either with us or against us" in regards to the thumbhole case and NSA membership. Let's not also forget they started with the blog "From My Cold Dead Hands" and were suprised at the negativity it created from other shooters. And encouraging FAL owners to use a pvc pipe and bury your firearm to prevent any (non-existant) confiscation goes beyond reckless, and is just plain moronic.

  13. #13
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kscott View Post
    Mikee FYI but over at the 'other' forum when the NSA was starting up, they alienated a lot of shooters by proclaiming "you're either with us or against us" in regards to the thumbhole case and NSA membership. Let's not also forget they started with the blog "From My Cold Dead Hands" and were suprised at the negativity it created from other shooters. And encouraging FAL owners to use a pvc pipe and bury your firearm to prevent any (non-existant) confiscation goes beyond reckless, and is just plain moronic.
    While I would totally agree Kscott, and every organisation has their muppets. They are also needed as they are the only ones who have had the balls to challenge the Police re the way they 'interpret" things I joined even though I don't agree with all their statements.

    I especially disagree with the ' use a pvc pipe and bury your firearm to prevent any (non-existant) confiscation" statement even though I think this actually happened in the past. Hopefully they have learned from these PR mistakes.
    I will be re-evaluating year by year regarding renewals.

    I have a, b and e endorsements and am making the most of my sports while i can, it won't last . I think firearms groups in general will be tripping over each other to sell out each other out as the whole "well we don't mind if you ban these types cause we don't own/use em, what do you need them for anyway" deal takes hold.

    So for better or worse they are here and they have had an impact. I paid COLFO for years as part om my Pistol NZ fees and what have they done for us. 3/8ths of bugger all as far as i can tell

    The sooner we LFO's can realise we all need to stick together fr the sake of all of our hobby the better

  14. #14
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Richard Prosser of NZ first actually coined the PVC down pipe from Bunnings quote during debate over AAB-285-2 in parliament.

    There are two "senior" NSA members which throw around the hard core Libertarian rhetoric on the boards, there are also a whole bunch of other members, like myself that keep a lower key. I kind of face palmed in the earlier days of the organisation when they stirred up the fudds on fishncunt. Was some what of a PR shot in the foot.

    The NSA website was recently overhauled and the old forum was deleted. The membership process is meant to have been streamlined, as people were complaining that they wanted to join but got no response. Mr Lincoln has been living in a bus (his house got creamed in the Christchurch quake) and trying to do a law degree, as well as take the authorities to court over a bunch of stuff, so has been v.busy.

    I agree that the organisation could tone down the political rhetoric, but until I find an organisation with a better level of legal knowledge and willingness to take action for gun owners, I will carry on with them. Anybody interested in owning and shooting "black rifles", has a lot to thank them for. I can only speak for my SR club, but opinion towards them seems to be favourable. People generally think COLFO suck. COLFO's total failure to do anything during the thumbhole stock cluster fuck was really what necessitated the forming of the NSA.
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  15. #15
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    Yep joined the NSA, still awating to pay up :-)

    The NSA appear to be the only ones with a pair of balls who are actually prepared to stand up for us and take affirmative action against you know who.

    having AR's flood the market like they have done so in recent months must have really kicked up a stink with certain members of the police....

    Mr Dunne, where was your input on 285? thrown under the bus yet again



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