That's really interesting, I would have thought a 12g would have been a lot more cost effective overall considering the relative differences in availability and price for .410 and 12g guns and ammo...
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I had one of the FSS 410s shown to me by a friend and yea they are tons quieter than my subsoinic 77/44 which is very similar in bore size
it was like a long 22lr sub sound like wooosh
I believe there is SMALL market for a long over barrel suppressor that is threaded onto existing barrel...the problem has to be timed and offset of sight picture will be all to hell...and would require the origonal barrel to be ported like a swiss it would only be usable with suppressor fitted,expence would be not a lot less than buying one already made.
In theory yes, but I am still in the development stage with the Rossi and making production tooling etc. If the Rossi you have is not a current Montenegro (preferably with the 22" barrel) it is likely cheaper for me to supply a completely new gun than try to rework an old one.
If you send me your details, I can put you on the list to contact when we get top that stage
You find that as the bore size and gas volume increases the suppressor must increase accordingly, as I say I got one to work with standard 3" shells and it was QUIET but the gun weighed in at over 4KG and was really big. There really is a significant amount of work to do to really suppress a shotgun, just an end can does not achieve the level of suppression that I am happy with.
As I mention and is confirmed buy one of the guys on here, I aim to get similar suppression that you find with a suppressed 22 on subs BUT using standard off the shelf high velocity ammo.
Give greg call at maniatis gunsmiths he has successfully made 12ga and .410 I have a .410 that I have used for pest control over the years. Great for lifestyle blocks.
Could be wrong but I dont think you can use for Game hunting.