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  • 2 Post By Tentman
  • 1 Post By akaroa1

Thread: Astounding shooting in the Wind

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Astounding shooting in the Wind

    Today we ran our version of the Texas Plinker MOA challenge. To broaden it appeal a bit we use plates of 2.0 MOA, then 1.0 MOA then 0.5 MOA and today the range was 571M - plates of 300mm, 150mm and 75mm. The wind was gusty northwest of 19 - 30 KM/h, but we have a row of tall trees down one side or the range that about halves the wind value (mostly).

    Scoring is 5 points for the 2moa, 10 for the 1moa, 20 for the 1/2 moa plus 1 additional point for each spare round you have if you hit all 3 . . . . So a "possible" is 42 points (for 10 rounds total).

    And bugger me, the last shooter did indeed shoot a "possible" and it was with a Ruger Mk1 rebarreled to 6mm CM - a true hunting rifle. Two guys got 15 points, and one got 5, it was a very hard day in the office!

    To say there are some good shooters locally is an understatement, the last two shoots we have run under these "international" rules clearly demonstrate just how good some Kiwis are!
    nor-west and Juicy like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    @Tentman didn't know you had a MK1
    Huk likes this.
    The Church of
    John Browning
    of the Later-Day Shooter

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by akaroa1 View Post
    @Tentman didn't know you had a MK1
    I wish, a chap from Gore who joined the club specifically to polish his long range skills and now he's whipping all of us ... .



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