Sat 02 April 2016
Gate entry at Forestry Road, Riverhead at 12:45 - 1:00pm
Range 100m
Entry for non NZDA or affiliated members $20
$10 for NZDA members or free if you have range card.
From Auckland via North Western Motorway travel towards Kumeu,
take the turn off to Riverhead and continue to the first round
about. Then turn left into Riverhead Road and continue until you
come to the Deacon Road turn off on the right.
Travel along Deacon Road for about 200m then turn right into
Forestry Road
Continue along Forestry Road until you come to the forest entry
gate at the end of the road, where you will be given instructions
on what to do.
If you are traveling from the North Shore you can take the
Coatsville-Riverhead Road, travel to Riverhead and head towards
Once through Riverhead you need to turn right at the roundabout
into Riverhead Road, follow to Deacon Road as outlined above.
Photos are my M1938 and @Tommy's 96/38 Swedes.