What some are missing is that when it comes to "Millitary Shooting" it is a case of "Fit for Purpose" .This is where the trainee only needs to attain a certain level of proficency.For example a ShitHawk piolot who got a score of(air to ground) 20 out of 100 was a good shot ,if a grunt got that he would have his arse kicked till his nose bleed.
It is all about what use the Trainee will put his skills to ,a grunt dose not engage in individual combat where a SAS man will (so he needs to be more proficent in his shooting) and your Airforce /Navy types are better off dropping the rifle & running away.
So if the purpose of this thread ,for Dougie ,is to pass a police proficency test then learn from a police shooter .If it is to learn how to shoot go to a shooting club.