Your latest post is nothing like your last. I would have to agree and sympathize with you on the last one.
I know and accept the military or police do not know everything or what is best. But in some cases, the standard of training and expectations in certain roles is higher than you will ever encounter on the outside. It has to be, or any muppet could be SAS for example.
As ebf said there are many different branches of both that require different standards. They can be worlds apart, even in the same unit.
Plonkers that show up to shoots and announce they are military or police are just plonkers. IMO they are generally dishonest and have not learnt that actions speak way louder than words.
I know a lot of people would disagree, but I get a tad defensive when the military (Army) is challenged on here.I always will, and make no apologies for it as long as I dont get banned
I have had a pleasure and the privilage as a soldier, to see and do things that a lot of people could or would not do. I was able to do it with some of the highest calibre Kiwis, I consider a privilage, just to know.
I know it is not always intended and usually I can handle being insulted personally, but not them.