I like and use Strelok but I think it is now unavailable. Is there an equivalent app available. A friend of mine could find one helpful.
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I like and use Strelok but I think it is now unavailable. Is there an equivalent app available. A friend of mine could find one helpful.
Chairgun elite. Pretty sure it’s the same/ similar interface
I've found Hornady's 4dof app to work well.
Suck it up pay the money and get best app on the market.
Applied ballistics
Sent from my SM-A556E using Tapatalk
Strelok is still available on Android through the Huawei App Gallery. Or if you have an old android phone you can transfer it to your new phone.
Applied Ballistics is a subscription now which I'm not a fan of. Then if you want a CDM you have to buy it on top of the subscription.
Good comments thanks men. Not sure what phone my mate has, but will pass on the info to him . Cheers.
Woody not that I have done any long range shooting for quite some time now, I used iSnipe when I did. Over the years I did use it, I compared its calculations against many other applications and using all of the same inputs I never ever found any other app give a different answer. What my simple brain deduced from that is the math in them all is the same so therefor when choosing it should come down to that which you find the easiest and most useful to your purposes.
Strelok is available for Android still but you can't get it on iPhone.
What your saying about AB is correct but when you have put the amount of work in that they have I think it is fair enough you get rewarded.
As far as buying cdm's go at least you have the option.
Also there is no point buying a cdm unless you are shooting into the transonic range anyway.
The new labradar will sort the bc problem as will do a cdm for you.
No matter what you have you need to validate up to transonic and do a DSF if going past and into subsonic.
It's like buying the best optic to get the best results you have to stump up some money.
The 5700 kestrel is probably the best investment in shooting sports to be fair.
It comes with all the cdm's.
Sent from my SM-A556E using Tapatalk
I looked at Strelok a few weeks ago, there seems to be more than one type?.
Strelok Pro
Strelok APK
APK is the file format for Android Apps, so Strelok APK is a direct download for the file you then manually install, as opposed to download through a store.
There are 3 different Strelok:
Strelok (free)
Strelok Pro
The free version is good but definitely has some limitations. Strelok+ gives a few more options, and Strelok Pro has a tonne of options.
I started with free then bought + because I wanted to do a few additional things. I eventually bought Pro and realized I should've done that from the beginning.
I say start with the free version, if it's missing features you need then go straight to Pro. + might actually not exist anymore but it definitely used to.
Another option you might consider is Garmin Fenix watches, model 5 and newer. There’s a TruFlite app you can install via Garmin Connect. You set up your rifle, projectile, bc, muzzle velocity etc and then sync to your watch. The watch measures actual pressure & elevation, you input range, temp, wind speed, direction etc and bingo you’ve got the ballistic solution on your wrist. A second hand Fenix 5 or 6 is not too spendy. From memory I paid about $350 for mine a couple of years back.
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I’ve got applied ballistics the new updates pretty busy I’m not thrilled with it but Brian litz is a genius and is leading the way with ballistics. I’ll persevere with it . The app is got so much you can change. Bullet library ect is awesome
Sooo, I'm not into long range shooting at all. I'm wondering why you need these apps?
Just in case,, I went in line to the Hornady ballistic calculator.
Tap in the info.
Gives you the numbers.
Take a photo or screen shot and save it on the mobile.
I went a step further, did 3 different rifles and loads.
Consolidated it all on 1 xls sheet then took a screen shot
I keep in for Justin, on the mobile.
Certainly no expert, just my 2c
I'm using Hornady 4dof but tend to just use the BC calculator portion of it ( you'll see what i mean if you download it) works well and is easy to use.
Not to put too fine a point on it, Strelok is Russian, Chairgun Elite is Chinese and AB and Truflite are American. Who would you rather have rummaging through your phone ? Coriolis calculations require both your own location and that of your target.
Revic is great, I use it with their range finder binos, but it works stand alone also.