Then why even attempt a shot on an animal at that distance if not wanting something stroked?
It has absolutely nothing to do with how good the shooter is mate. Has everything to do with the animal and its welfare, at least that is what a genuine hunter should consider.... No?
Show me a shooter that can control what an animal does after the trigger breaks and I might be convinced.
I am sure you are well aware that an animal can move plenty during lock and flight time Especially at those distances.
Just coz you can, doesn't always mean you should.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
At the end of the day 100m is to far for some people to connect to an animal.
This guy is quite comfortable taking shorts at live animals at these distances in the situation hes shooting in.
He is regularly shooting to over 3k in what hes doing so horses for courses.
Ethical shooting is subjective to each individual and shouldn't be judged on what you and I are capable of.
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My favorite sentences i like to hear are - I suppose so. and Send It!
I am judging the animal not the shooter. I couldn't give a shit if he can shoot 5 km accurately.
No one can control a target that can move at any time. If he has never ever missed a target then I apologise.
By the way. I have hit a fig 11 target in the neck area at 4300 yrds with 7.62 ball ammo, first try.
Work that one out
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Last edited by R93; 30-06-2019 at 11:09 PM.
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
My favorite sentences i like to hear are - I suppose so. and Send It!
4 secs? A walking fig 20 target for Army range shoots and AWQs must cover 6m in 4 secs.
That is the descriptive speed used.
6m covered for a human in 4 secs. Doesn't sound like much but ya gotta wonder what an animal can do in that time. Even if lying down.
I hit the fig 11 with one round of a 200 rnd belt out of an SF machine gun.
There were 9 other targets in the area but only one was hit...... The one I aimed for
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Last edited by ishoot10s; 30-06-2019 at 10:46 PM.
10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.
This LR fad has got out of hand imo.
It has no place in hunting for the simple reason not everyone is capable but everyone trys it because they see it on YouTube or whatever.
I love LR shooting. I have been shooting LR in a field environment since the 80s well before rangefinders, ballistic programs and YouTube.
We used compasses, maps and maffs to work things out. Paper and steel still show a hit.
It might be just my opinion but I don't think animals should be a test of skill or a bragging right around the campfire.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.