Barometric pressures at altitude
Some measured values people might find useful for setting up drop tables. These are just from a barometer app on my phone.
For my 7mm08 the drop at 300m is about 3cm less and the wind drift for 5m/s full crosswind is 6cm less at 1500mthan at sea level.
I make up my chart for 500mASL and include a note with the correction for 300m at 1500m.
Waihohonu hut
Alt 1150m
Temp 10.5C
Baro 888hPa
Wind 2m/s
Rangipo hut
Alt 1550m ASL
Temp 8.8C
Baro 841hPa
Wind 4 m/s
Mangaehuehu hut
Alt 1280m ASL
Temp 12.8C
Baro 873 hPa
Wind 2.5 m/s
If someone could post measured pressures at 2000m and 2500m or a link to an online reference table that would be interesting,thanks.