If you really want to do your head in start looking at spin drift, aerodynamic jump and coriolis!
Why bother? Its hunting distances. If you miss due to aero jump or coriolis you need to think of better excuses.
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If you really want to do your head in start looking at spin drift, aerodynamic jump and coriolis!
Why bother? Its hunting distances. If you miss due to aero jump or coriolis you need to think of better excuses.
I'v stretched things. still didnt use aero jump or coriolis
Ok. I didnt use it at 2k and worked out ok. other apps/solutions also do it. Doesn't mean you need it.
Spin drift yes you can turn it of as your wind call is more important than spin drift but as AJ effects elevation that should be used in your calculations.
As for coriolis I havnt got the brain power to work that out with out my kestrel.
It's very simple for the kestrel as it has the latitude put in and the compass with DOF input.
I like using all the fruit as then I am familiar with it when I need it.
Different strokes I reckon
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Hi here are the air pressure over the range of altitudes we are likely to shoot in NZ.
These are from the Casio Web Calculator which Puffin kindly showed in his post.
I've set the sea level pressure to 1013 hPA (it can vary from about 980 to 1030 depending on the weather system on the day).
I've set the temp to 10C but of course this generally falls about 10C per 1000m and you can put this into the calculator and see if it makes a difference for you.
Attachment 152423
I think next time I do this I'll note what the sea level pressure was at the time.
However, it looks as if the web calculator gives close enough values for my purpose, which is making up a drop table so I don't have to refer to a barometer for each shot. Undoubtedly, the best way to get an accurate adjustment for a shot longer than 500m is to measure the pressure where you're shooting and put that into a ballistic calculator at the time.
I'm finding my kestrel most useful for the simple fact it holds all my mates calibres and setups and i can flick between them very quickly. It gives you something constructive to do when ranging and glassing.
Also reminds you what the temp actually is which you can lose track of if you've been moving about.
Things i hate about phones: they can be your lifeline so you feel reluctant to be playing around with AB till it flattens your battery. Also the screen backlight, half the time the thing is set too light for mid day viewing in the field. cant use it with gloves.
but back on air density. I used to be madly into tracking DA when i was into field target air rifles. I used to use dew point, actual elevation, temperature and baro. There an old App for phones you just put that in and it works out DA
Here are drop tables I made up for my 7mm08 for altitudes 100m up to 2000m ASL.
They're from Strelok Pro using the pressures in the chart above, holding temp at 10C.
I've colour coded the situations where the predicted adjustment from the 100m ASL value is more than 3 clicks (0.3 mRad or 1 MOA approx). Of course, every click counts specially at longer ranges but for most hunting less than 1 MOA error can be ignored. The ICFRA 5 (bull) ring is 2 MOA across and so is a 12" steel plate at 600 yd so if your MPI is 1 MOA out, your score will suffer a lot even if your grouping is only 2 MOA. I was interested to find that altitude won't require more than 0.5 mRad adjustment for my system, out to 600m and that out to 300m I can use a sea level drop chart without adjusting a single click. If I make a drop chart based on 500m or 1000m ASL that will be pretty close for most situations.
Attachment 152645
Representative altitudes in NZ.
North Island
Kaimai plateau 500m
Clements Rd 700m
Venison Top 1450m
Waipakihi flats 940m
Totara Flats 200m
Mangahuka Hut 1280m
South Island
Cupola Basin 1580m
Rakaia riverbed 800m
Sealey Tarns 1300m
Garden of Eden 2000m
Greenstone flats 500m
Teichelman Ck Tahr ballot site 1450m
Whatawhata 30m
Tokoroa 340m
TECT park 500m
Trentham 50m
McLeans Island 50m