A friend got a borescope recently so we've had a good look at all the rifles we own. We inspected them thoroughly prior to doing any cleaning then kept rechecking to see what changed.
He used the Boretech Eliminator and it appears to remove carbon fouling very effectively when you follow the instructions (the instructions recommend applying it with a nylon brush, leave for a period then swab out with patches). It also removed moderate copper fouling during that same process. In my rifle barrels I used Collings #90 solvent as a comparison. This also appeared to be effective on the carbon fouling.
One of my friends barrels had a significant area of copper fouling - the Boretech Cu remover was able to remove this after a few applications of the solvent. All of the 'regular' copper we could see in the bore of the other barrels was removed entirely by one application of the Boretech Cu remover - it seems to do exactly what is claims to based on what we saw.