Originally Posted by
Jaco Goosen
The easy way would be to just google any of the barrel manufacturers and follow their suggested procedure.
There is, to be honest, as many cleaning procedures as there are firearms owners - and everyone beliefs his way is the right way. That's also why some members wants get popcorn - because they know, someone will make the mistake of sharing what he/she does(and it most probably works 100% for them) only to get ripped to shreds by some of our own. We've been through it many a time.
The long and the short - as soon as you start shooting & cleaning more often, you'll develop a procedure that works for you. Boretech Eliminator is a great product for carbon and copper removal, get a good oil and a decent one piece cleaning rod for cleaning. (Bore-snakes are great for the bush, but does not replace a cleaning rod, you need a bore-snake in your pack, steer clear of ammonia, wipe your cleaning rods before sticking it down your firearms barrel, get a bore guide - accept that a barrel is a consumable, it will wear and it will need replacement at some stage).
If you know a TR shooter in your area - go visit, you'll learn a lot from them, they clean their barrels more than most, they've learned what to use to clean quickly and effectively - and they really want their barrels to last.