4 new Snails going in
4 new Snails going in
Real guns start with the number 3 or bigger and make two holes, one in and one out
Plus...I wired the red warning light back in correctly!
It's all go down here.
Artillery...landscape adjustment since 1300AD.
No semis, life’s become boring
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Those of us in the Boomer generation (and I qualify) are often finding the steep stuff too demanding especially when carrying anything heavy but we are a large cohort. Each shooter who is feeling the ravages of age and can be kept shooting, even just at targets is one more of us (firearms users) and one less of them. A couple of weeks back I was at the Taupo range. There were a few of us standing around chatting. All but one were in their 70's and one their 80's. What is it going to be like in 10 years?
Regards GPM.
This is the biggest reason for clubs/branches/associations to develop and promote range shooting, to actively keep those that have stopped hunting or don't hunt but want to use firearms.
This increases the numbers that these clubs/branches/associations say they are advocating for when it comes to firearms ownership and use, if these people are not included then they will be counted in the numbers that are opposed to public firearms ownership.
We have had to fight to retain our ability to own and use firearms and this fight isn't going to go away, as the numbers who own firearms declines the fight will just get harder.
So good job on expanding the range and actively encouraging people into range shooting activities.
@grandpamac in 10 years time you will be leaning on your zimmer frames yelling so each other can hear......
you might not see well enough to still shoot but guarantee you would still turn up for working B
75/15/10 black powder matters
Well lets hope so.
I went for a medical for my 75 year olds drivers licence renewal today. I did not do so well on the memory tests but still enough to pass. Eye sight, however, easily passed without glasses so in ten years I should be able to still see the target and shoot with a rest on my Zimmer frame . It all got me thinking how much my world would shrink without a licence so I should bone up on those word memory skills. I can still remember the first handloaded .303 cartridge I put together about 1970. CAC Case, CCI primer, 180 grain Norma boat tail projectile and 34 grains of AR2201 powder so the brain is good to go for a bit yet.
Regards Grandpamac.
The fine and gentlemanly art (and womanly) of benchrest must help with coordination, and concentration skills.
Things that need to be used so that the mind doesn't become a soggy sago pudding in later life.
So yeah, anything that keeps the brain cells working is good for you.
Artillery...landscape adjustment since 1300AD.
Bunch of us older bods hit the range on Wednesdays, been nick named the Last of the Summer Wine. Lost 3 good buggers recently, one was in his 90s only shot at 50M, still reloading, had macular degeneration, so proud of his VIP badge(Vision Impaired Person) loved a joke, all his marbles and a wealth of firearms experience amongst them. Privileged to have enjoyed their company.