What is the best factory 303 ammunition for your Lee Enfield, specifically the No4 Mk1 or Mk2 ?
Best grain?
Best manufacturer?
Any general advice
What is the best factory 303 ammunition for your Lee Enfield, specifically the No4 Mk1 or Mk2 ?
Best grain?
Best manufacturer?
Any general advice
Factory 303 that's easy to source will probably limit you to highland. 150 and 180 gr soft points seem to be the general easy to find rounds. If you search long enough you may find other brands.
Contact your closest Service Rifle club as those guys shoot alot of 303 and should have an idea of where to get other brands. Other than that if you reload that will be the best way to go. You can tailor make your ammo.
Lead delivery technician, Bulk orders welcome!!
Have used the 180gn highlands abit. they seem to work fine. better than the 150gns. but the barrel on our .303 is rooted so it doesnt matter that much. Not many options left out there for ol .303
A worn out 303 barrel is perfect for paper patching using cast. Load up 210 grain to 1900fps.
180 grain Highland/Prvi Partisan has shot well in all my .303's I think. Shoot that for the brass and then reload.
(The boat tail version shouldnt be used in two groove No.4 rifles, or rifles with particularly worn bores. Get the one that doesnt say 'boat tails' on the packet.)
I have always been told that the best 303 ammo is norma ammo, if you can get it. I imagine that you would need to order it in.
I tried several types in mine and could only get 2-3" groups. Changed to Norma 150 and consistently shoots 1.25", not complaining. NZ Ammo are now the Norma agents, get hold of Paul and see if they are bringing it in.
my own no4mk1* detests 150gn ammo -sprays it like a mad womans shit.its the canadian longbranch 2lands job so i stick to 18ogn and shes quite happy.
Norma is very good.
Highland 150gr is good. I have also shot rounds from Wills hunting and fishing. Sellier & Bellot made in the Czech Republic. Apparently the brass is great for reloading. Fire very well and is only $35.00 for 20 rounds. He may do cheaper price for bulk purchase. $1.75 at full price is pretty good anyways. Gun city are quite a bit more.
Banged of some ,49 stuff yesterday out of a 1876 Remington rolling block, lovely gun, accuracy was surprising, along with the recoil, .remember there are different projectile sizes in 303, uncertain slug your barrel![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough