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Thread: Best noise cancelling ear plugs for shooting range

  1. #1
    TJM is offline
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    Best noise cancelling ear plugs for shooting range

    Ideas please?

  2. #2
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    The best ones are the ones you wear under ear muffs.
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  3. #3
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    I found the best are the type with three circular ring petals down the stem and theyre simple to clean and reuse.. Not a fan of the foam type plugs at all.
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  4. #4
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Out of curiousity, has anyone here used mechanical ear plugs, like these here or their modern equivalent? How well do they kick in and occlude sudden loud sounds?

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  5. #5
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    They're the next iteration of the ones I was referring to. I'de bet they would be very good.
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  6. #6
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    They're the next iteration of the ones I was referring to. I'de bet they would be very good.
    It's a 1977 ad, but yes, the shape of those plugs is good. I understand they let higher frequency noises through so you can hear leaves rustling and so the world does not sound muffled. That makes sense as there is a clear air passage through the peripheral holes in the silicone diaphragm.

    My question is, will they really shut down quickly enough, at a sudden loud sound like a shot? No batteries is appealing but not at a cost of my hearing. Has anyone out there ever tried this kind of ear plug? .
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM View Post
    Ideas please?
    What's your budget?

  8. #8
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    Tje Soniv are inexpensive and in my experience are effective protection from gunfire noise.
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  9. #9
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    Ive got a pair that look just like that but they are too big diameter or too straight and hurt my ears so I can't wear them. Not sure whether they cut out shots 100% or not but they were OK. I can't use them due to being too painful.

    @Gillie has some custom looking ones that might be what you're thinking of.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    Out of curiousity, has anyone here used mechanical ear plugs, like these here or their modern equivalent? How well do they kick in and occlude sudden loud sounds?

    Attachment 208543
    There is no real tech in those plugs. There rely on what is called non-linear filtering. You get just the same effect with a very small stepped vent. Lower intensity sounds are let through with minimal attenuation but high intensity peaks are significantly reduced.

    They can never be a patch on electronic plugs for hearing soft sounds.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    Out of curiousity, has anyone here used mechanical ear plugs, like these here or their modern equivalent? How well do they kick in and occlude sudden loud sounds?

    Attachment 208543
    No good for multiple shots, or for when the shots are coming from a side. I have used them prior to suppressors - still have a pair. I still carry them for when I have a situation where I'm shooting along a bank and the suppressor is limited in it's effectiveness due to reflection off the bank but I won't rely on them by themselves now. Not effective enough for use around muzzle breaks full stop.

    As a further point, they do have a noticeable muffling effect - I've missed animals using them while hunting. It's worthwhile pointing out two things - one that they aren't rated as protection from noise, and two that earplugs in general don't stop the bone conduction around the sides of the ear that earmuffs cover which may or may not be an issue on the range you are shooting on. If it's a busy public range with a lot of muzzle breaks and bigger calibers being used you might be exposed to impulse noise that's actually quite a bit above what you think you're receiving. On NRO duties when standing behind a row of shooters for a full day, I've gone to a set of peltor tactical grade 5-rated electronic earmuffs which replaced a set of Peltor sporttac - the slimmer sporttac's didn't cut the mustard and I was aware of a faint hum and feeling very fatigued after a full day of getting slapped in the face by blast. The heavier full-sized Tactical's are more comfortable for longer periods of use and are much better at reducing the noise.

    Having said that as far as plugs, good protection that's rated is better than the impulse closing plugs so in my book better going to an electronic set - the Peltor's are good but above all else whatever brand you get they need to fit correctly and be comfortable!
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  12. #12
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Wife uses beeswax earplugs for my supposed snoring which she reckons is louder than my rifle.
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  13. #13
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    i use both class 5 foam ear plugs and class 5 ear muffs. at the range it is exceedingly easy to wear maximum protection so I always do
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  14. #14
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    Depends what i am doing on the range as to what ear protection i wear.

    If i am a RO then i'll use my MSA Sordin Supreme Pro X earmuffs - these are electronic ear muffs that dampen out the loud noises while allowing or even amplifying ambient noise and conversations.
    If i am moving a lot as a Match Director or if it is a hot day then i'll wear my Surefire EP7 Sonic Defenders earplugs with the valve open. Again these dampen out the loud noises while letting in the normal noises and conversations.

    If i am competing then i'll wear the earplugs with the valves closed. If i really want to remove noise then i'll wear the plugs under the muffs.
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