Was thinking 50-75m but unsure as i'm pretty uneducated when it comes to .22 rifles, Also what would be a good round to try out? Was thinking the CCI Velocitors or the Winchester 333 value stuff
Was thinking 50-75m but unsure as i'm pretty uneducated when it comes to .22 rifles, Also what would be a good round to try out? Was thinking the CCI Velocitors or the Winchester 333 value stuff
Shoot guns, Not heroin!
The classic sight-in distance for a HV .22 round is 75 yds. The trajectory is through the line of sight at ~16yds, one inch high at 50 yds, dead on at 75 (obviously) and 3 inches low at 100.
Dont think Velocitors are particularly accurate and are meant to be hard on barrel, not that you would ever wear out a barrel noticably faster with them. I wouldnt bother with any hyper 22 ammo, i have never had a problem killing (not talking goats or wallabys)anything with standard high velocity or even subsonic ammo.
Ive always sighted mine in at 50yards and most shots I ever took were no more than 70yards so was ok.
But I will probably sight my new 22 at 70yards, should give you a plus or minus 1" drop/rise out to 80yards, so would be all you would need in a 22.
I always buy the Winchester 333 or 555 packs, always shoot pretty well and is cheapest can usually buy.
I tried a federal bulk pack and was twice the size groups as the winchester, so bad I used it for plinking as I didint trust it for hunting.
If you want better ammo try the CCI mini mags.
Never tried the Remington bulk ammo, but folks here dont speak highly of it.
If you want best accuracy possible try a box of every brand you can buy, but if you want good enough Id try the 333 pack and id it meets your accuracy requirements, stick with that.
Thanks for that guys, I'm not too worried about having competition level accuracy, Just want to be able to hit what I'm pointing at and have it not break my gun or bank!
I'll pick up a pack of minimags to when I can find a place to sight the rifle in. Still need to pay for membership for the one near me so can't use it till then![]()
Shoot guns, Not heroin!
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Oh and if you or anyone is in wellington and wants to try some of the above without buying 50 and swap me in anything I have not tried that would be cool, needs to be high velocity though as slow stuff wont clear the blow back mechanism of the CMMG.
"I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"
I got a red dot for my AR15 and couldnt hit the target at 25yds (no laughing you assholes!) I ended up re-starting at at most 5m and then once on target moved it out and out. So start at 25yds and if you cant hit move it to a car length distance and re-try.
What I did find was shooting 22LR in the CMMG conversion depended heavily on ammo. I couldnt get velocitors in wellington so tried 50rounds of everything else I could find.
So I had,
lapua std (not enough oomph to clear cases)
lapua high velocity (2nd most accurate only occasional (once in 30) jam)
highland high velocity (most accurate and $10 for 50 about cheapest!, no jams in 40)
winchester super speed? (shot like crap)
Fiochi (or some such spelling, shot like crap.)
Remington (shot like crap)
I would start with a usually good round,
CCI std velocity I have some but yet to try it (at $8 a box worth a go)
I was surprised at the highland ammo and its quite cheap, Belmont sell it if no once else does.
I have the target's i'll scan them for my records and can post them if any one is interested.
"I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"
ive always found the highland ammo shoots well in all my 22s
My favourite 22LR is Winchester power point the Aussie made one not the American shoots well in all 3 of my rifles. one shot kills on possums
I sight my .22 in at 50m used to sight in at 100m but don't bother sighting .22's in at that range now. Using winchester 42max HV in my marlin model 60 as it shoots very well with that ammo and poleaxes the rabbits and very messy on exit (shot a rabbit in back of head and it blew the bottom jaw clean off the rabbits face when it exited) it also loves mexican made fiocchi it hates CCI mini mag and remington subs.
To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals
I have mine bang on at 75. pretty standard sort of range for bunnies
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Any downsides to those kits have seen a few photos of them fouling the gas hole up but is it actually an issue id be quite keen to get one
Mine is a dedicated upper, but the action is the same-just without the .223 chamber insert.
I find it a cool range toy, and as mine is a dedicated upper with a correct .22 barrel it's fairly accurate (hit and miss i understand when using with a .223 barrel) but I don't like it for hunting as the scope is mounted so far above the bore that you have to think about it when shooting things much closer or further away than the range its sighted in for. A extra thing to think about in the heat of the moment
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@Scottishkiwi you can come to my range as a guest , 100 metres to sight in , its in upper hutt , ... lets set up a date , I can do during the week as well after work on my way home ... I finish work around 230pm ... and live in paraparaumu , but will happily swing by the range to help you out , ...sooner the better , as the twins are on their soon .!!!
cheers blair