hey guys whats the best way to sight my 308 in im using pmc 150g factory loads, want to sight it in for around 150m max ,
just afew tips of the scope side of things as im shit house at sighting in
hey guys whats the best way to sight my 308 in im using pmc 150g factory loads, want to sight it in for around 150m max ,
just afew tips of the scope side of things as im shit house at sighting in
General rule is to have it shooting 1.5 - 2" high at 100yards, then you are good out to 300yards without needing to compensate for drop, as it will be minimal within this distance with a .308 & 150g projos.
Hunting is not a hobby.....its an addiction
Also use a good rest, front and back to reduce the amount of human error. If you can get to a proper rifle range it makes things easier as there are benches to shoot off and set distance target stands setup.
If you find that your shooting isn't the best, I find it good to start buy shooting a box of ammo through my .22lr, helps settle things down (trigger control, relaxing, breathing, etc.)
Last edited by Bryan; 01-08-2013 at 12:16 PM.
Hunting is not a hobby.....its an addiction
To start if I were you and had no idea I d get someone to bore sight it. You can do it yourself by clamping it down and looking through the barrel to line it up on the wall on a cross or something.
Then look through the scope and adjust it so it too is on the cross or nail or whatever. Don't bump it or move it. Check through the barrel to make sure it doesn't move while you adjust the scope
Get that roughly right and you should be on paper at 25 or 30 mtrs. Fire two rounds at the paper see where they go. Adjust to get close as possible to the vertical line first. If it hitting right at the bottom or top bring it up or down a little to allow you to tune the vertical first. If you get the vertical correct it should need none or very little further out. If you cant get it to stabilise on the vertical you gonna need to check mounts etc and scope alignment. Don't overheat so if the barrel gets hot take a break. Stabilise the vertical first if you cant may as well try to figure out where the problem is. No point proceeding itll never be right.
Once vertical stabilised set horizontal to be couple inches above the horizontal and that should get you on the paper at 100 . You can go to fifty first look down barrel and through scope to see approx. whats going on.
That's gotta be enough for you to be starting with. Sight it in over a few days if possible as it just will get better every little tweak.
Cheers Happy
Last edited by Happy; 01-08-2013 at 12:28 PM.
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
As above, bore sight shoot at 25 or so get it close zero couple inches high at 100.
Some scopes won't move as much as they say they will so be aware of that.
And most but not all left or up or whatever means it will move the impact that direction. Some are backwards :rolleyes:
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Have the front rest under the front of the stock, not under the barrel
I find ear plugs & muffs help to get the job done easier.
Gun control means using both hands
A quick method I started using a while ago now ,is once I'm on paper.Shoot a 3 shot group ,then measure
from the center of it vertical & horizontal.The inches equate to clicks MOA on your scope .
1" = 4 clicks at 100m or 8 clicks at 50m etc. Saves time & ammo @$2+ per shot money that can be spent on other things.
Gun control means using both hands
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
And I've just put a VX1 on my new T3 ,will see what happens this
weekend when I sight it in.
Sight it at 25m might compensate for the excess movement.
Gun control means using both hands
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.