A bitter lesson on technique!
I've been playing with a Ruger American in 6mm CM. These days I don't take too much notice of anything less than a 10 shot group. The rifle was showing potential but I was getting some vertical in the groups with the odd vertical flier sitting well off an otherwise not bad group.
We had some other guys at the range testing stuff, including a pretty new shooter. I was muttering darkly about my latest group and this Newby rocks up and says "did you realize you were tilting your rest" and proceeded to demonstrate what he'd seen me doing. I got behind the rifle and promptly did the same thing again.
Basically I was loading the front rest by shouldering the rifles front sling swivel against the pad of the rest - what a silly mistake . . . And this rifles fore-end just won't slide on the front pad even when the sling stud isn't interfering. Man I was pleased to have been called out on such a rookie mistake. I replaced the front rest for a bipod with an immediate improvement in results.