It was Rambo 6mmrem that gave me the heads up on the Awakeri black powder metallic silhouettes shoots, so as the wife was getting cabin fever and wanting to get away, "lets go to Awakeri hot pools camping ground dear ", she didn't know it yet but she was going to be my spotter at the range. The best laid plans always go tit`s up," I can't see a thing with all the smoke you are making". The spotting was not going to help anyway as I couldn't hit the rear end of an elephant, those dam silhouettes at 200m are had to see with all the smoke, that's my excuse,. But for the first time here is a pic of my Sharps in full roar, had a real blast.
, Lining up on the chickens.
, defeathered, roasted, all in one go.
, Missed!!, bugger.
, If you look hard you mite see a chook, ram, or pig.