Hey so I've finally bought my first brand new rifle and I'm wanting to get a bore guide for cleaning. Where do I find one or are they made specifically for a gun by someone.
Sent from the swamp
Hey so I've finally bought my first brand new rifle and I'm wanting to get a bore guide for cleaning. Where do I find one or are they made specifically for a gun by someone.
Sent from the swamp
what sorta rifle is it
have a tipton one, pretty average
got a white nylon one from brownells it has an o ring and matched to your case/caliber. its awesome
if its a sako or mauser type action you might have trouble finding a good one that fits nicely
I got a t3 in 7mm. I do like my lattes
I will make one if I have to. Just thought if you can get em off the shelf I would
Sent from the swamp
Most shops that sell guns etc with have em mate. Tell them what rifle its for and they should sort ya out. Cheap one say $20-30. I have one but dont use it... Go figure
Ha yeah I should have looked while I was in there. Iv never actually seen one in a gun shop tho. Il give em a call tomorrow
Cheers for the answers
Sent from the swamp
I wouldn't bother unless it's perfectly matched to you cleaning rod diameter. The generic mtm, lyman types are hopeless, they don't stop the rod from touching the throat and just get in the way.
The only way is to buy the real clever ones that have a bore that just allows you to get your brush or jag thru up to the chamber and then they have a separate collar just bigger than your rod that slips into the back of the main guide and centers your rod, at least at the back of the chamber. You slip the separate collar on to your rod b4 starting your cleaning. Or if not one of those thread the guide over the rod b4 attaching jags/brushes and carefully push your rod up to the chamber with the guide close behind - doesn't work that well as you get solvent still in the action area.
PS: Centring your rod is only 1/2 the deal with the guide, the other real important purpose is to stop solvents going into your bedding area/mag well/trigger group.
Last edited by zimmer; 26-08-2015 at 01:19 PM.
Eric @ possumhollow makes excellent guides. Bought most of my action/cartridge dedicated ones from Sinclairs but turns out possumhollow make them for Sinclairs. The one size fits all a la gun shop are not very good unless you find one that fits your rifle correctly. They either don't centre your rod properly of don't seal the chamber properly from solvents running back into your action. Also need to get them with the solvent port. If getting the tubular alloy ones get them with the correct sized snout on the end rather than the tapered cone.
Fuck I must have solvent etc everywherewhat does it do? Strip the lubtication out?
Works its way down into your bedding, in the case of wood makes it spongy and accuracy goes to shit. Gets into your trigger group and allows other shit to stick to it and gum up your trigger eventually.
These guys have guides where they refer to locking in to centre the rod and to keep it parallel.
Products - Lowey
Don't worry if you are drenching your action in solvent, a good 75% (of those who do clean) I bet are doing the same.
It all is down to how much you love your rifle ha ha.
You can also get the same effect with lubricants - I like to store rifles with a good application of Hoppes 9. They always go barrel end down in the safe so the stuff doesn't run back into the action area.
Just bought mine from these people in Aussie, was great service affordable shipping and the exchange rate doesn't burn like the USD at the moment. Have a look at the rest of their stuff too
Cleaning & Gun Care - Custom Bore Guides - Bore Guide - Centrefire - Hinterland Shooting Supplies