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Thread: Boycott 'The Petone Gunshop"...

  1. #1
    Grant grunzter's Avatar
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    Dec 2013

    Boycott 'The Petone Gunshop"...

    Read this guys hypocritical dribble in the submission to the Law & Order select committee “An inquiry into issues relating to the illegal possession of firearms”…

    Basically he says ALL 3-gunners, multi-gunners, service rifle shooters, in fact every shooter in New Zealand that shoots at competitions enhanced with movement, multiple targets and high rates of fire are irresponsible.
    What about bunny busters, they engage in multiple moving targets, so do goat cullers...

    Best thing to do is help drive this guy out of business by not supporting him as he is obviously someone we do not need.

    Read his submission here:

    Home Gunshop
    199p, mikee, 40mm and 1 others like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Gave up reading after :
    Today’s citizens are less constrained than their parents and grandparents - whose attitudes were moulded by the disciplines of military service, war, austerity, and the traditional nuclear family.
    Ahh the good old days, where we could leave the keys in the ignition when popping into the dairy for milk bottle and cigarette lollies, before heading home to give little Johnnie the back of your hand for skipping school and teach the wife a lesson for not cooking the eggs quick enough.

    Nothing like living in the past to define living the present.
    dogmatix, Dougie, Angus_A and 11 others like this.

  3. #3
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Thanks Gruntzer. Just read it and my take out is that it seems rather self serving for the author.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  4. #4
    Grant grunzter's Avatar
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    I'm sure there are worse anti gun replies than this one, but when its from a gun shop owner who is currently selling the firearms he seems to be strongly apposed to, its just hypocrisy.
    veitnamcam, mikee, stumpy and 2 others like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    LoL, this guy... Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. This guy's let off both barrels. He's entitled to his opinion though, however wrongly it may be perceived.

    Home Gunshop

    The 1990s called. They want their website back.
    199p, Angus_A, grunzter and 5 others like this.

  6. #6
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    Boycotting the guy's business flies in the face of freedom of speech. Don't shop there if you don't want to, but encouraging others to attack his livelihood because you don't agree with him is a bridge too far for me.

  7. #7
    Member Uplandstalker's Avatar
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    Not a fan of this submission, but if anyone doesn't like it, submit one yourself!

    We are living in a country that we are able to contribute and speak our minds on these matters(if they listen or not is another story). So unless one speaks up, within the process available to us, it may pay to just roll over and let the law makers do what they like and keep your mouth closed.

    Remember, anyone can make a submission, yet so few firearm licence holders actually do, yet we all moan about when the changes don't suit.
    gadgetman, Pengy, zimmer and 2 others like this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ahhh the older generation, their love of the past and their hate of changing culture. The only proper manly shooting is paper targets at 100 yards (not meters) to sight in your deer rifle before heading into the hills carring nothing more than a 303, a swandry and a blunt butter knife. To have fun while shooting is just wrong.

    This attitude is throughout the shooting sports but seems worse in duck hunting circles:
    *The gubermint is about to reintroduce lead shot because they have listened to all the evidence i.e. old blokes complaing about steel shot
    *Semi autos are wounding all the ducks
    *Wing spinners are talking the sport out of the sport

    My old man came aound last week and said something about who schools were giving up on all this high tech stuff and going back to teaching the basics (which I think is chalk boards and slide rules). What schools dad, where cos my kids schools are not giving up on the high tech stuff. He didn't really know (which is always the way with this stuff) but he though it was some private schools in England.

    My counterargument for not living in the past was that to cope with todays world you have to learn the stuff thats relevant which for us is technology. I added in the fact that we now collect so much data that it's impossible to use the old model of scientests sitting in labs, reading books and scientific papers in order to "discover" stuff. We have so much data being collected that the only possible way to analyse it is with software. If we want our kids to copy in the world we need to teach them how to create and use software in my the same way your generation was taught how to use electricity and milling machines as they took over from whail oil and blacksmithing.

    Of course the whole thing fell on deaf ears because he didn't want it to be true. Change makes those who are experts in the system unsettled because they are no longer experts....
    Jexla, WallyR and AlexW like this.

  9. #9
    R93 is offline
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    I might have read it wrong but I didn't think it read to bad.

    He promotes registration which has been proven to be a waste of time amd resourses in other countries.

    It reminds me of when the E endorsement started in NZ.

    People were happy to throw other gun enthusiasts under the bus to protect their own interests. It shows a lack of intelligence and selfishness.

    I always thought if we gave the anti-gun people an inch they would take a mile.
    I personally do not see the need for e cat rifles in any form of hunting other than from a helicopter in order to control pests or recovery ops.
    But I certainly wouldn't support any policy trying to take that away from people that do hunt with an E cat firearm.
    Maybe he should attend and participate in a 3 gun shoot and see how enjoyable it is. Sometimes trying something new can change an opinon.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    Pointer, Dougie, mikee and 2 others like this.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  10. #10
    Grant grunzter's Avatar
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    Freedom of speech is fine, but when you actively say one thing and are doing the opposite is the thing that peeves me off...
    He wants our money and business, but then calls many of us irresponsible!
    Jexla likes this.

  11. #11
    res is offline
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    Yet another reason to spend my $ elsewhere, poor service and attitude etc was already doing the job.

    He is of course entitled to his opinion, as we all are. My opinion is that he has made an arse of himself yet again

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  12. #12
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    John Howat, is/was the head of COLFO
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  13. #13
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by stug View Post
    John Howat, is/was the head of COLFO
    Was I believe

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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by grunzter View Post
    Freedom of speech is fine, but when you actively say one thing and are doing the opposite is the thing that peeves me off...
    He wants our money and business, but then calls many of us irresponsible!
    Many of us are
    grunzter likes this.

  15. #15
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Gun shop owner suggests 'solutions' which involve creating more business for gun shops and giving gun shops control over private sales... hmm.
    veitnamcam, Jexla and keneff like this.



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