Hi shooters,
if my gun is zeroed at 15 yards, normally the bullet will be lower at 30 yards, so how many clicks should i add (up) to zero my gun at that distance (30 yards).my scope is [1click= 0.25"/100yards],
thank you so much in advance.
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Hi shooters,
if my gun is zeroed at 15 yards, normally the bullet will be lower at 30 yards, so how many clicks should i add (up) to zero my gun at that distance (30 yards).my scope is [1click= 0.25"/100yards],
thank you so much in advance.
Hi rafik add some more info like calibre and rifle type and somebody will turn up with the info.
Daisy Red Ryder?
Sorry, i forget rifle details:
it's a Gamo Whisper CFR (Air Rifle 4.5 mm) and scope GAMO 4 X 32 WR Vampir.
i'm sure that my scope is goodly set up on 15 yards & i'm sure that if i shoot 100 yard it will be lower, so i need to know how many click up i shoud add for each distance..
thank you :)
Come on Smidey, he's waiting for an answer!!!:thumbsup:
Ok, since its a .177 if my conversion is correct you should be zeroed at 20m.
This gives you a pretty forgiving zero since you bang on at 20m and in another 10m it should be less than a pellets width low. This all depends on your airgun and will change with the pellets you use. A 100m is a bit optimistic with a .177 but as long as your having fun go for it.
I can pretty confidently say it will be lots. Maybe even more than the scope is capable of.
Go to nzairgun.com forums.
thank you all for your answers..
The only way to know for sure is to actually shoot 5 shot groups at different ranges. The most critical to check at 5 and 10m because the pellet is rising steeply. Do this with the pellet you have chosen and redo it if you change. Gamo pellets are not the best in my own personal experience. I've found that sitting is the best position to do trajectory tests but you could find most consistent grouping from a rest or sandbag. Use a bag of sand or soil as a backstop if doing it in your back yard. Also consider your firing zone and neighbors / housemates so they don't get alarmed.
There is an app for phones called chairgun which is free and will calculate trajectory pretty well. It has an airgun pellet library. You could just put in the advertised velocity and choose a pellet similar to yours and it will put shots on the paper for you. Your gun will be 10 - 20mm low at 30m if sighted for 15. You'll probably find you can use a 20 or 25 m zero and run it shooting 5 - 10mm low at 15m. 30m is likely to be an outside extreme range to hit a rabbit's kill zone.
I used to do a lot of shooting with a crossman g1 extreme. I used the gamo rockets, killed around eighty possums over a couple years with those, most one shot so I had great success with them. The gamo hunter I also used but the rockets seemed to be far better. Good luck
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