New Zealand does not have a firearms problem. New Zealand has an enforcement problem.
Thats the catch phrase right there.
New Zealand does not have a firearms problem. New Zealand has an enforcement problem.
Thats the catch phrase right there.
It appears the Waiuku Pistol Club has a really bright Secretary......very ably supported by a lawful respectful Committee. There has been not a word of dissent from them.....!
This guy owns firearms.....maybe he should not be labled a "fit and proper person"........
He was the President, and did some good work pulling the club back from the brink.
I think club rules dictated he couldn't do another term in that role, but is now the Secretary, but acts as pseudo President.....unfortunately he used his position to expound his personal views in the club news newsletter and is therefore seen as representing the views of the club members.
Personally I've come to dislike his sneering, condescending approach to others while on the range.
Now seen as a Toss Pot which is unfortunate.
Anyone know this turkey......?