NZ First update. You do not need to be a Facebook user to view.
NZ First update. You do not need to be a Facebook user to view.
Thanks for that Karmeranzac just as I thought! Guys have a look at this ^^^^^^
They say it's a first draft but we need to be all over this like flys on poo. The Tory government did it to gun owners in a the U.K. Just like National will try to do it in NZ. We already know the usual suspects, but there seems to be a few wolfs in sheeps clothing out there!
I think you also need to add a where do you personally stand on shooting and hunting to any letter to an MP make the question one that has to be answered with a yes or no so you know where to caste your vote!
Man can't trust any of theses buggers.
As Snowy said there all the bunch of the Thieves! (He was talk about Egyptians just before going in at ANZAC cove but it seems apt)
Get your letters out now guys!!!!
Have a safe Easter ah!