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Thread: Call to Arms

  1. #151
    Member Beavis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    Now I am really embarrassing myself but I thought they were Russian.
    Thread off track far to much already tho.

    Sent from my SM-G800Y using Tapatalk
    Yea they mostly are Russian. The majority of Finnish rifles were assembled by Sako and Tikka out of Russian recievers. Much better quality guns than the Soviet ones.

    /end de-rail
    veitnamcam and Tommy like this.

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Hahaha! That was fun hey?!?!

  3. #153
    Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    The Forest
    Back to that article, that was nothing more then emotive police propaganda. They're obsessed with the disillusion of civilians with anything "military-grade"

    Every single firearm on the planet was once or still is military-grade or used by the military. Their argument has no boundaries & is somewhat dangerous.

  4. #154
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    John Herbert, a representative on the Firearms Community Advisory Forum, had this to say about Polices intent, and its a worry!

    --- BEGINS ---

    I attended a Firearms Community Advisory Forum meeting yesterday and the purpose was to discuss the Select Committee's report on illegal firearms. The one clear thing to emerge from the meeting is that Police fully support EVERY recommendation.

    They realise as we discussed this that quite a few of the report's recommendations would be hard to sell to both the Politicians and the general public but I can assure you Police have a positive spin on every recommendation and there was not one of the recommendations they thought could not help them. They truly believe all this is good, fair and reasonable.

    Minister Bennett and other politicians are already starting to see the limitations of many of the recommendations but make no mistake Police will fight for everyone one of them to become law.

    We need to raise our profile and our voices and send as much polite but firmly worded correspondence to the Ministers, including the likes of Stuart Nash so that are aware of the potential pitfalls.

    Some thoughts:

    Costs: If compliance is onerous people will opt out and this will create grey guns that eventually end up in the wrong hands.The budget to get much of this over the line is high and Police will look to claw it back off us.

    Trust: NZ Firearms owners have low levels of trust for the Police and this again will impact compliance if the terms of compliance are too overbearing. As a Nation we value trust, transparency and integrity. The way Police have manage firearms over the last decade or so demonstrates none of these core attributes.

    The report was about stopping Gangs and by default criminals getting guns, ask politicians how this will actually work in the real world, the Police were light on answers regarding many of the points so there is obviously still room for the TRUTH to actually get a fair hearing.

    Many of the recommendations have a tenuous at best connection to the goal of the keeping firearms out of criminals hands. Remind the Politicians of this with as many examples as you can. The Police anwers are broad and undefined make yours specific and targeted.

    Find 3 friends who have not sent a letter/email to a minister and ask for their support.

    John Herbert
    New Zealand Service Rifle Association.

    --- ENDS ---

    Above copied from FOUNZ facebook page.
    veitnamcam and PERRISCICABA like this.

  5. #155
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Mauser308 View Post
    Well, a non-exhaustive list of sniper rifles that were designed from civilian firearms tech or were used as hunting or target sport rifles (and are capable of taking down a man-sized target at 1000m as that was one of the design criteria for most of these firearms) would include Lee Enfield No1, No4, L39, L42, Enforcer, Mosin Nagant, Enfield P14 and M1917, Springfield 1903, Mauser (various), Parker Hale (various), a fairly wide range of African hunting double rifles (used to bust sniper plates in the trenches of WW1), a fair range of long rifles, Remington M700, Winchester M70, and to be fair the list includes just about anything that shoots. I haven't started on semi-auto's or shotguns or pistols...

    That article published in April '17 and signed under "Name Withheld" only proves that the author is seriously lacking in knowledge of history and the facts surrounding this issue. One would expect less emotion and bullshit and a more thorough analysis of the facts prior to flapping the lower jaw or raising one finger in the process of repeatedly stabbing a keyboard to produce a "pie in the sky" dream land where there are no criminals.

    Instead of dreaming of a rewritten Arms Act maybe they could try enforcement. I have no concept of why the Police are concerned about what they consider high-powered firearms, after all we have concrete evidence that pneumatic firearms and rimfires will produce fatal wounds on humans (who are not in away way robust when compared to other mammal species). I for one no longer have faith that the Police can actually do the job that the Arms Act empowers them to do due to the lack of leadership and vision from PNHQ, maybe it's time that we look to the LTNZ model where licensing is conducted by a standalone entity...
    So we agree that it was Chris Cahill that wrote it
    norsk likes this.

  6. #156
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Koshogi View Post
    Attachment 68131
    Police News April 2017

    Notice the comment about "military grade sniper rifles that can kill a person a kilometre away"? That's every .30 cal hunting rifle..

    They aren't just coming for the 'scary black rifles'..
    article makes me bloody laugh -methamphetamine -oh thats a fact but hey mr men in blue youe political masters are looking at legalising cannabis to buy the popular vote fuck me wont that make the road toll hilarious-road toll-yesssir your easy revenue earner.
    oh and heres another wee conundrum-it seems NZpolice HQ are incapable of managing existing firearms laws and now want extra bought in -that dont float for a moment.Justice Jillian mallon has already given the police a right royal boot in the arse in the freestanding pistol grip case,and now they want mummy government to fix it.
    also dont forget hansard has it on record these MP clowns debating firearms calling them Rambo guns etc etc-FFs these are meant to be intelligent people and most have a coterie of trough snufflers who should be put to work doing intelligent research on the issue before "yes minister"opens fat gob in the chamber!!

    criminals are criminals and most of the major players couldnt give flying fuck about what society in general thinks of them.theyre init for the money&kudos and bugger any poor bastard who suffers as a result of their endeavours.all this bullshit about cost is beancounters&legal gougers speaking out their arses!!
    I like to thank the judge here in CHCH whose just sent a 16yrold to the big mens house for a stretch.robbery with weapons son is a bloody serious issue!
    aw but i fought id go to youf court and get a slap on da wrist-aw shit dis aint fair mammmmmmmmmmmmyyyhyyyyyyyy!!!!
    It serves you bloody right and while your in there crapping yourself have thinkabout what youlldo when you get out!!!
    PERRISCICABA and Danger Mouse like this.

  7. #157
    Join Date
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    Land of the Long White Cloud
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    article makes me bloody laugh -methamphetamine -oh thats a fact but hey mr men in blue youe political masters are looking at legalising cannabis to buy the popular vote fuck me wont that make the road toll hilarious-road toll-yesssir your easy revenue earner.
    oh and heres another wee conundrum-it seems NZpolice HQ are incapable of managing existing firearms laws and now want extra bought in -that dont float for a moment.Justice Jillian mallon has already given the police a right royal boot in the arse in the freestanding pistol grip case,and now they want mummy government to fix it.
    also dont forget hansard has it on record these MP clowns debating firearms calling them Rambo guns etc etc-FFs these are meant to be intelligent people and most have a coterie of trough snufflers who should be put to work doing intelligent research on the issue before "yes minister"opens fat gob in the chamber!!

    criminals are criminals and most of the major players couldnt give flying fuck about what society in general thinks of them.theyre init for the money&kudos and bugger any poor bastard who suffers as a result of their endeavours.all this bullshit about cost is beancounters&legal gougers speaking out their arses!!
    I like to thank the judge here in CHCH whose just sent a 16yrold to the big mens house for a stretch.robbery with weapons son is a bloody serious issue!
    aw but i fought id go to youf court and get a slap on da wrist-aw shit dis aint fair mammmmmmmmmmmmyyyhyyyyyyyy!!!!
    It serves you bloody right and while your in there crapping yourself have thinkabout what youlldo when you get out!!!
    Still havn't read the link? Punctuation | English Grammar Guide | EF

    I hope you don't write clinical reports the way you write your posts on here.

  8. #158
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    More dodgy reporting, Cahills firearm recommendations randomly tacked on the end of an article
    Thousands of weapons intercepted at NZ borders as illegal imports rise | Stuff.co.nz

  9. #159
    Member Sylvester's Avatar
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    This seems like lazy reporting to me, he wasnt going to meet his word count so chucked in that last (one sided) bit as an easy fix.

  10. #160
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Still havn't read the link? Punctuation | English Grammar Guide | EF

    I hope you don't write clinical reports the way you write your posts on here.
    go look up tosser mate and insert yourself right there ignoramus .
    In my late mothers terms 'oh dear still got the shit on your liver".
    My clinical report on you ;
    This specimen is living proof that the act of sexual procreation is vastly overrated,and modern DNA even at its finest ,does show remarkable shortcomings"
    Whats ya job mate standin for sadsack or a test cadaver for embalmers?
    pit Westinghouse &Remington didnt make arseholes -you'd have got the role as the perfect template!!!!
    Danger Mouse likes this.

  11. #161
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    spreydon christcurch.
    now that d....d is out of the way ,and coming back onto the subject ,I see in Stuff today the owner of Guncity in timaru a Mr Wayne Golightly breathlessly telling all and sundry that the PoLiCe told him they have no way of tracing stolen guns,and hes all for a national guns register so they can trace em!!
    Well bugger me with a pineapple and call me Nigel,wayne i can only guage from your comments that youre either a recent convert to the issue or youve in snug with em blokes.
    now look at history Wayne-it was late 1970s when there was a bloody paper register with assorted forms for assorted firearms lots of and all requiring police signatures.the cops got friggin rid of it cause it became too unwieldy-they went for a pretty little red license like the old style drivers license and you write each weapons details on a seperate page(IIRC).......oh no hold on new fangled computerised systems came in -the police system didnt cause it cost a fortune for a bloody failure???INCIS.

    Ever heard of the Canadian Longarms Register Wayne???no ,well in short the canadian govt invested something like $3billion in this and it ultimately turned out a bigger failure than bloody INCIS!!

    Finally if any of you want good peer reviewed research on the firearms issue ,theres nowt better than Professor Gary Mauser of Simon Fraser university ,Canada
    this man is amongst ,if not the top academic on the issue worldwide.
    The local Coterie of so called Academics our localMSM seek out are as much use as a babies nappy on a bull elephant with the shits in comparison to him.

    He is on record ,and is not alone as saying NZin fact has the closest to ideal firearms laws of any country in the civilised world.
    gonetropo and Danger Mouse like this.

  12. #162
    Join Date
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    Do you have a link to that Stuff article?

  13. #163
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Krameranzac View Post

    Do you have a link to that Stuff article?
    No records on thousands of guns being stolen each year | Stuff.co.nz

  14. #164
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Hmm that article goes back to March last year
    Identify your target beyond all doubt

  15. #165
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    Hmm that article goes back to March last year
    Didnt notice that I just searched the name, Stuff does have a habit of putting links to old stories in current articles, maybe thats how Kotuku found it



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