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Reply from Stuart Nash to me. Probably the same cut and paste seen by many? At least I got a reply but it failed to answer any question asked in my own shamelessly cut and paste (Stug) letter.
Dear James,
Thanks very much for your email.
First of all, you are right when you say that the Select Committee inquiry focus was on how criminals are accessing firearms (title of the inquiry was 'Inquiry into Issues Relating to the Illegal Possession of Firearms in New Zealand'), but as part of the inquiry, we also investigated ways that made it harder for criminals and gangs to access firearms.
The terms of reference for the inquiry were:
· How widespread firearm possession is amongst criminals, including gangs
· How criminals, gangs and those who do not have a licence come into the possession of firearms
· What changes, if any, to the current situation may further restrict the flow of firearms to criminals, gangs, and those who do not have a licence.
The committee did note that the vast majority of firearms users in New Zealand are law-abiding, and we did not wish to impose any form of unreasonable cost or impost on them at all.
We received 99 submissions; including from Central North Island Club, Bruce Rifle Club, Council of Licensed Forearms Owners, Greater Wgtn Muzzle-loading club, Firearms Safety Specialist NZ, Mountain Safety Council, Paul Clark, Pistol NZ, Rural Women NZ, Sporting shooter association of NZ, NZ Customs, etc etc, so we had a wide and varied range of opinions and views.
There were 20 recommendations as outlined in the Committee’s report in the link below:-
The process from here is that NZ Police has received a copy of the Select Committee’s report, and they will write a further report containing their own recommendations for the Minister.
The Minister must then decide what to do with it and what, if any, recommendations she decides to pursue.
If law changes are required as a result of any recommendations the Minister accepts, these will have to go through the full consultation process and members of the public will have an opportunity to submit their views at this point in time.
It is my expectation that NZ Police will consult and work in partnership with the representatives of gun owners to ensure that what is finally recommended is sensible and achievable and does not impose undue cost or restrictions on law-abiding citizens.
Oh shit I knew I shouldn't have registered my serial numbers and gun details when the officer asked. I invested a lot of time and effort into my collection.
Now I have to live my life expecting gang members to come to my house and try pinch them.
Any one can import an MSSA, in parts, don't try and make out that the statement is incorrect.
Just because crime is at a "low" doesn't mean that it's not a problem or that there isn't going to be a problem, I'm actually finding there are more armed offenders out there, especially in the last 12 months, but this could just be regional, but there is a major problem.
The problem is that any person can import the parts to assemble a MSSA or buy up a-cat firearms and onsell them to anyone without any kind of trail. The Police assosiation example involving the head hunter is a perfect example, he hasn't been prosecuted as there is proof that he supplied to unlicenced people.
In the last six months I've been involved in two incidents where guns were pointed at frontline police, one incident shots were fired and it was a MSSA.
Just because something is an offence doesn't mean that it's a deterrent, just like speeding, lots of people speed on open roads, put a speed camera out there (a way of being caught) and they stop.
The PA presentation was reffering to too many firearms in the wrong hands, not in general.
1) Yes possession of ammunition by a non-FAL holder is already an offence, I'm unsure why he thinks otherwise but is a very minor issue here.
2)3)4) Agreed, not really needed.
5) I disagree with this as well, too much hassle. I'd rather a compulsory notification sent to Police via e-form or similar. It's not about whether a criminal would obtain a p2p, it's that the FAL holder wouldn't sell to a person without one as they could be traced.
6) they haven't defined what the new category would involve here so speculation can go both ways, it does need some kind of change to make less open to interpretation.
7)prohibition orders would stop people using them under someone elses supervision which isn't an offence and would remove any defence for having one, great idea for certain people.
8)fit and proper is subjective to the police, that is in law, so if they decide to put it in a code book then it is arguable whether it is law or not. Sure it can be challenged in the courts but anything can be. Your argument is irrelevant to the point.
9)stops muppets from intantly applying, getting turned down and dragging it through the courts. But agreed it's not really needed.
10) It's the courts that decided that being a gangmember alone isn't reason enough not to be considered fit and proper. Police are bound by the courts decision so your whole argument is unfounded.
11) I actually think this is ok, they're already recording B C E cat weapons and it appears to be effective, sure there are negatives but there are certainly positives as well, the main one being the deterrence of on-selling to non FAL holders.
12)Judges can't just dish out maximum sentences cumulatively whenever they like, they're bound by legislation and are also open to appeal. To increase the penalties would give the judges more freedom to give bigger sentences. it's much easier to give 2yrs imprisonment on a 10yr max penalty that a 2yr max penalty.
13) selling firearms to unlicenced people?
14) Who cares what section it is, that's erroneous. This is a great submission, financial burden? Do you expect them to spec bank safes? more likely BCE standards or less.
15)there is nothing to say an endorsenment can't be issued until there is suitable storage arangements, this would remove that.
16)Do you really have a problem with random inspections? I see no end of unsecured firearms by some great and generally responsible people, so many get stolen from unlocked safes too. It's hardly like your house is going to be searched whilst you're put in plasticuffs and are not free to leave. If all people were reasonable this kind of thing wouldn't need to be law.
17)actually it's the police who decides who is fit and proper so it's up to them to revoke FALs, it's in the arms act.
You talk about effective enforcement however the problem is that the Police aren't able to enforce some of the current laws because of easy defences and lack of accountability of FAL holders for the whereabouts of their firearms. Have you ever investigated a burglary? If so you'd know just how notoriously hard they are to solve due to lack of evidence, and if this is how FAs are mainly obtained then increasing security should be first priority. Preaching about Police needing to solve more burglaries is just easy scapegoating.
Not all people that're vetted 'fit and proper' are 'fit and proper'
I'm not against you at all, just trying to add a bit of perspective and play devils advocate.
All the replies with original messages are gonna break the interweb. @Savage1 "When is the Police Association going to lobby for random searches on gang pads and recidivist burglars?
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Made a post on the other thread, don't agree with what everyone is saying. Some recommendations aren't entirely stupid some go to far. Have written my letters as should all of those making any comments on the forum. Hope everyone who is commenting on this subject has made some at least that might make a difference instead of batching about this here.
Thanks for you input to this thread Savage1.
I have a major problem with "Random inspection" if a gang members p lab cant be randomly inspected at any time with no reason then why can I not tell police wanting to inspect my security(which is well above minimum A spec) to fuck off if I am in the middle of bumming the missus,celebrating an event, just dont feel like dealing with the man.
Why should I have less rights than known criminals known to be performing criminal acts?
And I also have another major problem with police telling us what arms are no short time we will all be using slingshots or be criminals....dont say it isnt so your spokesperson clearly wants no arms available to the public.
The problem overall I have with the submission, is the fact it has missed the target. It isn't difficult to read between the lines and see that the police association are saying "actually you guys(licensed gun owners) are the problem". But are we? Are the criminal organisations not? So say the police get what they want, we still have these organisations and their members out there. Peddling meth. Stealing guns. Laundering money. And I'm left wondering what lobbying the police are doing to deal with them properly. Why should I be subject to this kind of scrutiny and warrentless inspection when these parasites have rights against this, and get pathetic sentances when caught? These people are half the reason we have to lock firearms away. They are the problem. Deal with them.
Warrantless searches has to be the most fucked up thing a select committee has ever suggested in NZ history. We wouldn't do it to criminals, so why the fuck would we do it to those deemed fit and proper by the police themselves?
If you suspect someone of committing a crime get a fucking warrant like you have to with everyone else.
Actually warrantless searches have always been around and are conducted on criminals daily, and if you had any understanding about law enforcement you would know why they're very necessary and what their limitations are.
And where was "searches" mentioned? I recall seeing "inspections", which are two completely different things. You don't like the other side exaggerating so why do it yourself?
Attachment 67082
This is why I will never support registration.
I really like how, when presented with the opportunity to ask for the courts to actually enforce the law as it already stands, and apply deterrent penalties, they instead go wobbly over a whole pile of other options that have been proven to not work very well or at all.
"Anyone can import an MSSA" - this report makes for increased border inspections?
" I actually think this is ok, they're already recording B C E cat weapons and it appears to be effective, sure there are negatives but there are certainly positives as well, the main one being the deterrence of on-selling to non FAL holder" - During my last interaction with the police AO, the records were 40% accurate on what I actually had. They aren't up to it. The AO was telling me an M1 carbine was a bolt action, while she held it in her hands. Had no idea what MSSA features actually were. Didn't care either.
"12)Judges can't just dish out maximum sentences cumulatively whenever they like, they're bound by legislation and are also open to appeal. To increase the penalties would give the judges more freedom to give bigger sentences. it's much easier to give 2yrs imprisonment on a 10yr max penalty that a 2yr max penalty." - Why wasn't this this crux of the report? Penalise the lawbreakers!
13) That's already illegal last time I checked
14) There's already a shit fight going re certing perfectly good safes, while giving licences to HeadHunters. While I would personally agree that some of the police's own guidelines are pretty lax, the police at the moment are being pretty difficult for the sake of it, so not trusting bullshit castle is perfectly reasonable imho. They quit lying through their teeth on national TV, and Joe license holder might actually trust them. They aren't, so we don't.
16) Let's talk about that kilo of meth that went missing. When was that discovered? Where did it go? Maybe it should have been on a list? Who's accountable for that? Where are we with that investigation? How's Mike Sabin? (We trust you all, cos you're all good guys right? I'm pretty sure you are, but there are some pretty fucking bad eggs in the NZ police). My gear is locked up tight, cos I'm a fit and proper person. Why push for me to be checked without a warrant, at random, when you could push for checks of, I dunno, criminals?
17) Contradicts 10)
Look I respect that you actually answered, but they just plain missed the point of this inquiry (purposely or otherwise). It's that simple. Opportunity lost. They didn't even bother to familiarise themselves with the current laws beforehand either, it was a lazy hackjob with an agenda. THAT is why people are angry with this.
NZ First update. You do not need to be a Facebook user to view.
I see and understand that there are clearly different perspectives on these issues. My biggest concern is around the sheer volume of resources in dollars and manpower hours that will be needed to cope with the suggestions. The delays show us they cannot cope with the resources that are available now. If we were to put a value or indication on the cost in staffing and dollars, would these resources not be more beneficial to be spent on actually targeting the criminals? The police , and especially the front lie cops, have enough of a challenge now. Let put the resources that we can into the place where it will do the most good. The Canadians spent over $2billion on registration before giving up. That is nearly $60 per person in Canada. To put that in perspective that would be about $227 million in NZ. Lets put that to better use.
If police are being confronted by criminals with guns, why don't we just allow police to carry all the time? It seems like a case of tail wagging dog to me.
Thanks for that Karmeranzac just as I thought! Guys have a look at this ^^^^^^
They say it's a first draft but we need to be all over this like flys on poo. The Tory government did it to gun owners in a the U.K. Just like National will try to do it in NZ. We already know the usual suspects, but there seems to be a few wolfs in sheeps clothing out there!
I think you also need to add a where do you personally stand on shooting and hunting to any letter to an MP make the question one that has to be answered with a yes or no so you know where to caste your vote!
Man can't trust any of theses buggers.
As Snowy said there all the bunch of the Thieves! (He was talk about Egyptians just before going in at ANZAC cove but it seems apt)
Get your letters out now guys!!!!
Have a safe Easter ah!
Not sure what you are on about with that comment. The law currently requires a permit to import ANY part of an MSSA. Can people do so illegally? Of course they can. Mr Cahill's comments were not about the illegal importation of MSSAs though.
Anybody can ILLEGALLY import drugs or slaves into this country too....
The OFFICIAL NZ Police statistics and NZ Police submission to the Select Committee would differ with you on that.
So he wasn't prosecuted because there is proof that he supplied to unlicenced people.:wtfsmilie: Maybe that's the problem, NZ Police only prosecute people were they don't have any proof....
Two incidents, with no injuries, in 6 months, is a major problem?
Your argument doesn't make sense.
Chris Cahill and his predecessor have made it abundantly clear their attitude about the number of firearms in civilian hands.
“There appears to be a glaring omission in the report when it comes to tightening up on the tens of thousands of firearms imported into New Zealand every year.
"We have to ask why on Earth we need all these firearms, why we need MSSAs and pistols, and why is it acceptable to not know where many of these weapons end up,” Mr Cahill said. Source
The Select Committee not even knowing what the current law is, is a very minor issue:wtfsmilie:. It discredits the entire Report and destroys any faith the firearms committee into the competency of the Select Committee members.
Hmmm...sounds familiar "Just because something is an offence doesn't mean that it's a deterrent". How would the NZ Police even know they had them? They couldn't be stolen?
Open to interpretation? The definition is of MSSAs is pretty clear. It is only the NZ Police who likes to reinterpret the category of firearms. Thankfully the courts quashed their last attempt.
If a 'fit and proper' person is supervising the use of the firearm, what is the problem?
If the person is not using it for a 'lawful, proper of sufficient purpose', charge them.
45 Carrying or possession of firearms, airguns, pistols, restricted weapons, or explosives, except for lawful, proper, and sufficient purpose
(1) Every person commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 4 years or to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to both who, except for some lawful, proper, and sufficient purpose,—
(a) carries; or
(b) is in possession of—any firearm, airgun, pistol, restricted weapon, or explosive.
(2) In any prosecution for an offence against subsection (1) in which it is proved that the defendant was carrying or in possession of any firearm, airgun, pistol, restricted weapon, or explosive, as the case may require, the burden of proving the existence of some lawful, proper, and sufficient purpose shall lie on the defendant.
Your argument doesn't even make sense.....
Stops 'muppets' from using their right of appeal? How dare these people use the judicial system in their defence....
So, my argument that if you have not committed any crime, (you) should you lose your rights? is unfounded?:wtfsmilie:
Effective? You're joking right?
I know dozens of people who have had incorrect details of BCE firearms on their licences.
The point you are really missing though. How many people will comply? How may will hide them away?
If the NZ Police do not know what people have now, how will the deter selling to unlicenced persons?
What was the compliance rate in Canada or Australia?
Actually judges are REQUIRED to 'dish out' maximum sentences....
Sentencing Act 2002 - 8 Principles of sentencing or otherwise dealing with offenders
In sentencing or otherwise dealing with an offender the court—
(a) must take into account the gravity of the offending in the particular case, including the degree of culpability of the offender; and
(b) must take into account the seriousness of the type of offence in comparison with other types of offences, as indicated by the maximum penalties prescribed for the offences; and
(c) must impose the maximum penalty prescribed for the offence if the offending is within the most serious of cases for which that penalty is prescribed, unless circumstances relating to the offender make that inappropriate; and
(d) must impose a penalty near to the maximum prescribed for the offence if the offending is near to the most serious of cases for which that penalty is prescribed, unless circumstances relating to the offender make that inappropriate; and
Unless the possession of MSSAs, pistols and drugs is not a serious case....
That would already be an offence....
I care. It implies that it is 'criminal offending'.
So a farmer with their single shot .22LR must get a $900 E/C rated safe? With an engineers certificate produced every 24mths, because you know....metal dissolves withing 2 years...
Yet, their IS something saying that a person can not take possession of an endorsed firearm until suitable security is in place.
[B]28 Security precautions in relation to pistols, military style semi-automatic firearms, and restricted weapons[/B]
(1)Every person who is lawfully entitled to possession of a pistol, military style semi-automatic firearm, or restricted weapon other than an air pistol by virtue of a permit under section 18 of the Act or a firearms licence endorsed under section 30 or section 30B of the Act shall ensure that, except when the pistol, military style semi-automatic firearm, or restricted weapon is in his or her immediate physical possession or is being used, in accordance with section 31 of the Act, for the purpose of making a broadcast or producing or staging a play or filming a cinematic production or television film or is in the custody of a licensed dealer or a member of the Police, it is—
(a)kept in a steel and concrete strongroom of sound construction and of a type approved for the time being in writing either generally or in the particular case by a member of the Police; or
(b)kept in a room of stout and secure construction capable of being adequately secured against unlawful entry, being in every case a room which is approved for the purpose by a member of the Police and which meets the following requirements:
(i)the room shall be in structurally sound condition:
(ii)the doors that give access to the room, and their locks, bolts, hinges, and other fastenings shall be in good condition:
(iii)the windows, skylights, or other things intended to cover openings to the room, and their locks, bolts, hinges, and other fastenings shall be in good condition:
(iv)the doors referred to in subparagraph (ii) and the windows, skylights, and other things referred to in subparagraph (iii) shall be capable of being secured against unlawful entry; or
(c)locked in a steel safe or steel box or steel cabinet (being in every case a safe, box, or cabinet of sound construction and of a type approved in writing either generally or in the particular case by a member of the Police) bolted or otherwise securely fixed (in a manner approved in writing either generally or in the particular case by a member of the Police) to the building within which the pistol or military style semi-automatic firearm or restricted weapon is kept.
Yes, I really have a problem with giving up my rights.
It's not like we haven't seen NZ Police acting unreasonable...
So, you are saying that you already have the power. SO you don't need to change anything then.
So, because burglaries are "notoriously hard they are to solve, you punish the victims? That's not scapegoating?
Police complaining about how hard it is do do their job, but want more work to do....OK.
So maybe the NZ Police should stop giving out licences in Wheatbix boxes then....
Good, I'm not against the NZ Police. I have great respect for the difficult and often thankless job you do. I just demand that the NZ Police are held accountable and operate under the legislative system that governs us all.
Making secret submissions to the Select Committee and lying to the media does not inspire trust though.
This IS the big problem here when you give over law making to Police you WILL end with a police state.
:O_O: inspection = limited search
you already have us on facial recognition
New biometric photo technology will help police nab crims captured on CCTV |
Exaggerations or lies?
The problem is @Savage1 whats next? once these changes don't work what will be the next phase of law changes. Maybe the police should be campaigning to deal with the apparent changes to our culture that have criminals arming themselves and acting violently toward the Police (if this is indeed getting worse)? Or is that just too hard? Easier just to have a go at firearm owners?
Just in case you had any doubt about the intentions of the Police Association under Chris Cahill:
" We need to examine why semi-automatics are needed in a hunting environment " " bear in mind it's very easy to turn these weapons into full automatics and get them into the hands of criminals "
" I've sat around a fire talking to hunters and duck shooters and they don't use semi-automatic weapons because they don't need to. "
Morning Rural News for 20 April 2017 | Rural News | Radio New Zealand
Weird - the only firearms I use when I do get to go hunting are semi-automatic. I must be unique.
Sat around the fire talking out his arse I'd say
Richard Prosser MP NZ
Spokesperson for Outdoor Recreation
20 APRIL 2017
Police Association president Chris Cahill should stick to police union-related matters, and not interfere in the choice of legal firearms law-abiding licence holders use in the safe enjoyment of their sport, says New Zealand First Outdoor Recreation Spokesperson Richard Prosser
“Mr Cahill was on Radio NZ this morning repeating his questioning of the ‘need’ for-semi automatic hunting rifles and shotguns by hunters and duck shooters.
“He claims firearms which resemble military weapons and other semi-automatics pose a danger to the public.
The fact is police were unable to provide the recent Law and Order Select Committee inquiry into illegal possession of firearms with any figures to back up this claim – and that’s because they don’t pose any such danger.
“Sawn-off shotguns and cut-down .22s are the weapons of choice for criminals, not MSSAs that don’t even appear in the crime stats.
“Mr Cahill’s desire to further restrict and penalise law-abiding hunters and shooters will have no effect whatsoever on the criminals who are the problem.
“Frankly it’s none of his business what type of legal firearm people choose to use; he needs to focus on catching criminals and keep his nose out of law-abiding people’s business,” says Mr Prosser.
Cahill is a lying sack of shit. He needs to fuck off back where he came from.
I couldnt believe the shit Cahill was spouting on RNZ today.
What a cock smoker.
He's either dumb as shit or an out and out liar.
Its not easy to turn semi autos into full auto
They are not more high powered than other firearms
They are useful in wide range of hunting applications.
Burn me at the stake if ya like, but some comments I've seen only confirm to Joe Public what Mr Cahill wants them to see.
Sure get passionate about it, but keep your emotions and comments civil. This is a public forum, and to an outsider we appear to be a pack of Neanderthal beasts beating our chests, waving threats etc around. Calling him names and saying how you're not going to abide by the proposals that are out on the table, makes us look like vigilantes.
Voice your concerns, with facts, but keep emotion and name calling out of it.
I'm concerned what is being proposed, and all the untruths, and incorrect facts being spouted to the public, but we're a minority in the grand scheme of things. There's 240,000 odd licence holders and only a proportion of them know anything about this. Theres probably 2.5-3 million others that don't give a toss. They're easily swayed by the police word, because they're the law. Little Ol granny's etc don't want swearing,cussing, name calling beasts in charge of 'extremely high powered weapons of destruction'
This is what we're fighting against.
Yes I have semi autos in my safe, and dammed if I want to give them up, but in the end majority normally rule. Next will be divide and conquer.
I think all we can do is keep proving we are worthy off possession, and pointing out, in a civil manner how some facts and figures aren't quite as accurate as the leaders are portraying.
Can he be sued for misleading the public?
Yes, we do need to keep it civil and focus on the facts and message, not the messenger.
I'm no lawyer, but Cahill is not directly slandering as to cause a direct financial loss by drop in income earnings or directly harm a persons or groups reputation, so no legal action would work.
Nor is he a public servant anymore, he is employed by the union, so not subject to any State sector legislation.
Another thing.... Sensation sells stories. We've seen it over and over. Write a true and factual blurb, or film the whole story, it then goes to the editing room, and the published story bears no resemblance to the original.
They try and hit you with a sledge hammer, create an uproar, then offer something not quite as bad as originally proposed. Compromise they'll call it,we'll let you keep this, but give us this
Let's continue discussing the subject at hand in an objective and non-emotional manner.
Personally, I am pleased to see that this has finally brought to light just how devious these people (the Police Association and the upper echelons of the NZP) are in their approach to address "firearm crime". If it was actual crime they were talking about, they would not be making secret submissions.
They would be very public about how they were going to do things - you know - to "send a message" to criminals. Like they do at press conferences when a uniformed panel sits in front of a Police banner in front of multiple cameras after a drug bust (like on Police 10/7).
Drugs for example, are a far more serious problem than firearms in this country. The evidence is in the media coverage afforded to the number of:
* Lab / grow operations bust
* People arrested for drug related offences
* Properties that have meth contamination
Reduce drug offending and the criminal entity that controls their supply and maybe the number of illegal firearms in circulation will diminish? Too difficult? Easier to target and arrest the users arrested and increase their likelihood for dependence on the state (i.e. prison, rehabilitation programs, being a general social benefit sponge).
The allusion that Customs purportedly have a lid on imports coming into the country is a joke - if that was the case - why does there continue to be such a significant influx of drugs and / or precursors into this country? Does it not stand to reason that firearms and / or their components can similarly be imported? Yet these "recommendations" by the select committee do nothing except pay lip service to addressing the (perceived) problem and only seek to further restrict the law abiding, quite non-criminal, vetted licensed firearm owners.
The absolute irony of the situation is that people will continue to use / misuse drugs, as they have done for millennia regardless of penalty.