Sent: Friday, 21 April 2017 9:06 p.m.
To: '' <>
Subject: semi-automatic firearms commentso
Mr Cahill,
You have certainly caused quite a stir amongst the 250,000 licensed firearms owners in the country and I am concerned with what can only be described as an agenda. You have risen through the ranks of police to Detective Inspector, you are not a stupid person. Firstly, you mislead NZ about the purchasing of ammunition in NZ. You stated that a firearms license is not required to purchase ammunition in this country.
More recently you again misled the country in regards to semi-automatic firearms in the country. Mr Cahill, semi-automatic firearms are NOT easily converted to fully automatic. If they were, then they would be all over the place in criminal hands. But you already knew that didn’t you? Apart from that, when a sample of a new semi auto firearm is assessed by PNHQ for approval, they check to make sure that it can't be readily converted to full auto. If it can, it won't be approved by the armorer.
If you actually believe that semis really are "easy to turn into full automatics" then you must also believe that PNHQ, specifically the armorer, are incompetent and are failing to do their own jobs. You either deliberately mislead NZ, or believe that police staff are incompetent. But given your history of passing off anecdotes as hard fact (sitting with hunters by the campfire, really? Get a grip), and just plucking numbers to suit your agenda lying is the most likely scenario.
I note that on the NZ police association web site mission/vison/values page it states: In the pursuit of our mission the Association will:
• Act with honesty and integrity
Your actions are not consistent with honest and integrity Mr Cahill. I am amazed that the police association is willing to accept the level of honesty and integrity from its president that you have demonstrated. To the point that if one of my soldiers had carried out similar behaviour, I would have charged them with bringing the service into disrepute.
As such, complaints have been laid to the NZ broadcasting standards authority, Radio New Zealand, the IPCA, the NZ Police association, and several MP’s. By many of us, the law abiding firearms license holders. The responsible people of society, deemed fit and proper to own firearms. You are persecuting the wrong people Mr Cahill, you should be focussing on actions that have an impact on the criminal elements of New Zealand, Not the law Abiding.