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Thread: Can I target shoot on your land? (Wellington)

  1. #1
    Member TheWuce's Avatar
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    N Zealn'

    Question Can I target shoot on your land? (Wellington)

    I am sick of dealing with the old guard that are always at Kaitoke so I am looking around for some private property to target shoot on instead.
    I'd be with my girlfriend and we'd be shooting an SKS, shotgun and .22. We'd only shoot wood targets and clean everything up afterwards, pick up our brass and hulls, etc of course.
    We can pay if you want but it would have to be cheaper than the cost of a private booking at Kaitoke otherwise there's no point.

    Also if you want to let me pop some bunnies while I'm there that'd be cool :p But no pressure they're your bunnies.

    Send me a message if you can help me out I guess.

  2. #2
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    South Island
    You know what im sick of?

    People who sign up and post here because they want something for nothing..
    Shootm, outdoorlad, 199p and 8 others like this.
    Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles

  3. #3
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    You know what im sick of?

    People who sign up and post here because they want something for nothing..
    Seems to be a current trend eh

    Same with the buy and sell trend

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    northdude likes this.
    Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"

  4. #4
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Well Im just sick at the moment, doctor just phoned and Ive got lepto. Probably caught if from some sick calfs.
    Leptospirosis, sounds like some exotic greek holiday destination doesn't it.
    Cyclops, 300CALMAN and 40mm like this.

  5. #5
    Member TheWuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    You know what im sick of?

    People who sign up and post here because they want something for nothing..
    Apparently you missed the part where I said I'd pay.

    Besides that it is possible to just be a decent person, I plan to let people shoot on my land when I buy my farm. Way to be a di*ck though, nice first impression of this forum for me.
    Mooseman and Been Upto like this.

  6. #6
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty Henry View Post
    Well Im just sick at the moment, doctor just phoned and Ive got lepto. Probably caught if from some sick calfs.
    Leptospirosis, sounds like some exotic greek holiday destination doesn't it.
    Bugger, hope they can get it sorted. I have known a couple of people with lepto, one was a workmate a couple of years ago, he lost quite a bit of weight but recovered okay. The other was a beef farmer who was the brother of a dairy farmer I worked for one uni holidays in the late 80's, he was in bed for 18 months initially. That dairy farmer told me never touch a dead calf, because you didnt know what it had died of.
    Hopefully it's the modern treatments that make the difference, best of luck!
    Sideshow and Sarvo like this.

  7. #7
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWuce View Post
    Apparently you missed the part where I said I'd pay.

    Besides that it is possible to just be a decent person, I plan to let people shoot on my land when I buy my farm. Way to be a di*ck though, nice first impression of this forum for me.
    Yeap we're all a pack of assholes here, may as well bugger off before you get your feelings hurt, again.
    199p, Monk, Steve123 and 2 others like this.
    Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles

  8. #8
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cigar View Post
    Bugger, hope they can get it sorted. I have known a couple of people with lepto, one was a workmate a couple of years ago, he lost quite a bit of weight but recovered okay. The other was a beef farmer who was the brother of a dairy farmer I worked for one uni holidays in the late 80's, he was in bed for 18 months initially. That dairy farmer told me never touch a dead calf, because you didnt know what it had died of.
    Hopefully it's the modern treatments that make the difference, best of luck!
    You're stuck with lepto for life if you get it, can go away for years and then come back and often leaves people with bouts of extreme lethargia, persistent coughs etc.
    BRADS, Monk and Marty Henry like this.
    Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles

  9. #9
    Member TheWuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    Yeap we're all a pack of assholes here
    Well you definitely are and it's good you can admit that to yourself but I've had a message from a land owner already so I wouldn't say you all are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    may as well bugger off before you get your feelings hurt
    No hurt feelings here bud, I'm mostly just finding it amusing that you and five others think offering to pay to shoot somewhere = wanting something for nothing. That's a pretty interesting logical leap.
    Been Upto likes this.

  10. #10
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    Jul 2014
    Thewuce I think the guys are just saying it's nice to know a bit about you before wading in, most people do an introduction and talk a bit about yourself and your interests . Welcome aboard.

  11. #11
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Think of it like a pub or other such place where people gather, if its not your local you're probably going to get a pretty frosty welcome by wading in, giving your glass a tap with a spoon and asking if someone can let you use a firearm on their property.
    Nobody knows you from a bar of soap, its common courtesy to introduce yourself to others, get involved in conversation etc before you go making it seem like your sole purpose for being here is to get something for yourself, money or no money is beside the point. We let a few select people on our property to shoot and its because they have been polite, courteous, we have got to know them and we trust them to leave things as they found them, take all safety precautions using their firearms,take heed of our own on farm health and safety policy etc etc, no caretaker of the land worth their salt lets anyone roam round their property with a firearm because they waved some cash under their nose.
    Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    Think of it like a pub or other such place where people gather, if its not your local you're probably going to get a pretty frosty welcome by wading in, giving your glass a tap with a spoon and asking if someone can let you use a firearm on their property.
    Nobody knows you from a bar of soap, its common courtesy to introduce yourself to others, get involved in conversation etc before you go making it seem like your sole purpose for being here is to get something for yourself, money or no money is beside the point. We let a few select people on our property to shoot and its because they have been polite, courteous, we have got to know them and we trust them to leave things as they found them, take all safety precautions using their firearms,take heed of our own on farm health and safety policy etc etc, no caretaker of the land worth their salt lets anyone roam round their property with a firearm because they waved some cash under their nose.
    What if you filled multiple glasses with varying amounts of beer, and tapped them in a way which produced amazing music? Are you trying to argue that musicians don't offer anything of value to society, and that a humble glass cannot be used as an instrument?

    Also - it's obvious the OP isn't a bar of soap. Have you ever seen a bar of soap get behind a computer?
    Steve123, Sideshow, Sarvo and 1 others like this.

  13. #13
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    i had a friend who shot on one property for years before finally inviting me along, when he quit thru ill health i continued and met that farmers neighbours. farmer 1 says "good guy" so i got to shoot there too. farmer 2 says good guy to farmer 3... etc etc etc
    Steve123 and Frodo like this.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWuce View Post
    Well you definitely are and it's good you can admit that to yourself but I've had a message from a land owner already so I wouldn't say you all are.

    No hurt feelings here bud, I'm mostly just finding it amusing that you and five others think offering to pay to shoot somewhere = wanting something for nothing. That's a pretty interesting logical leap.
    Good job getting a place to shoot so quickly.

    Just ignore those who think they run the forum and can control what other people say and do. If they're not a moderator, tell them to get fucked.

    Some of them are probably Kaitoke members.

    Good luck with the new place to shoot.

    (If you ever need to add anyone to your ignore list, just follow the directions in my signature line.)
    bully, Steve123, takbok and 2 others like this.

  15. #15
    Member Max Headroom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman View Post
    Thewuce I think the guys are just saying it's nice to know a bit about you before wading in, most people do an introduction and talk a bit about yourself and your interests . Welcome aboard.
    +1 .Welcome aboard.



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