Hey there,
I'm Wellington based and local range is closed until end of the month. I'd like to zero my rifle this Sunday (8.9.24). Would anyone allow me to shoot on target on their land please?
Thanks, Denny.
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Hey there,
I'm Wellington based and local range is closed until end of the month. I'd like to zero my rifle this Sunday (8.9.24). Would anyone allow me to shoot on target on their land please?
Thanks, Denny.
Denny, some information on your experience with firearms, type and caliber of firearms to be zeroed and skills you have on offer to prospective land owner for allowing you on their property.
Also coming into calving season so you may well be up against it this time of year
Good point, thank you.
I'm new into hunting. I've been handling firearms few times under supervision, mostly shotgun, but first time owning license and rifle. It's bolt action 308win.
Consider joining Upper hut Deerstalkers, their range is open almost always. They've got a great setup too.
Second vote for Upper Hutt NZDA.
Also check to see if NZDA Wellington is still operating? They used to have a range on John Humes farm, Ohariu Valley Road, but that too might be closed for lambing and calving?
One of the fellas working with me is a member at Wellimgton NZDA, hes, now joining Upper Hut as the range Weelimgton is using is closed for lambing season. I might be wrong, maybe he just wants to join UH.
Hi, I looked at all nzda branches in area before posting. Induction for UH range is every last Sunday in the month, so thats same situation.
Wellington NZDA is closed August-September.
if you get stuck just go find a safe bank in a area you are aloud to hunt in DOC land or what ever and put your cardboard box up
do boxes of beer not exist down your way?
Bummer. I did the induction online when I joined about five years ago.
Do they (UH NZDA) allow visitors to use range under supervision? Or accompanied by a member?
I do belief they do
You're welcome to come sight your rifle on our place, as long as you're safe and clean up after yourself. Just north of Levin.