On one of my visits to a deerstalkers range I noticed big ball bearings lying around
canonballs the fella reckoned.
that sounds like great fun
so who knows whats the deal?
Thinking I need a canon now,too
On one of my visits to a deerstalkers range I noticed big ball bearings lying around
canonballs the fella reckoned.
that sounds like great fun
so who knows whats the deal?
Thinking I need a canon now,too
I have a black powder Canon.....
Pocket sized ....
But don't let that fool you.
Shoots 1/4 inch bearings and blasts a 3 foot long fireball out the barrel in the dark... great fun.
born to hunt - forced to work
mates got a couple.I think one is made out of a section of bofors barrel golf balls fir nicely in it and they go for miles. the other one is a very short morter type thing that shoots coke cans filled with cement a very long way as well..have a look on yt at cannon 001 cannon 005 and cannon 009 and thats one of them i put up
In the hayday of Blackpowder shooting the big shoot at Wanganui used to open with a canon shoot, maybe 10 of them. All scaled versions but still quite terrifying. They used to register a good solid thump through the ground if you were nearby. I never knew where the safest place to stand was.
The other biggie shoot used to be at Whangarei. One of the guys there had a half size replica of a Coehorn mortar. He fired tin cans out of it with explosive charges. Those Whangarei guys were mostly crazy,
Bofors barrel canons were quite common.
This may well belong to someone on here? Absolutely immaculate machining and woodwork. 1/4 scale American civil war Whitworth cannon if memory serves me right.
Half a Bofors barrel.
Came to my farm for a shoot some years ago.
Ka bloody boom
Used the front end loader and metal detector to attempt to find the projos in the backstop. 10 foot in and no luck!!!
Excellent thread so far![]()
Use enough gun
It is actually a 1/2 size Whitworth, as used by the south in the civil war, I did the engineering & machining and my mate did all the woodwork including the wheels, it took just over a year to build in our spare time
I have half a dozen of the smaller cannons. I'm unsure if you need to be a LFO to owner them in NZ as it is in Australia.
Beginning of last year there was a guy at the range with a small cannon. I was standing way back when I recorded this (did not trust that the thing might explode). Was really beautifully made.
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What you see, is what you get!
I made a small naval cannon (1/4" bore) at high school and shot a hole completely through 3 walls and a door in our outside toilet and wash house. The olds thought it was a great lark until they saw the damage!
But the .25 is for girls... (<:
Seeing such damage helps teach to always point firearms in a safe direction. People just don't realise the energy in some firearms when they shoot into a back stop. Or they may shoot an animal and not appreciate how much energy the projectile retains on exit.
Back to model cannons and their no-FAL status. I have a repro medieval hand-cannon on a pole (aka "handgonne"). Takes .577 Minies. Just a fuse hole, not even a trigger like on an arquebus. Do I need to lock it up or could I hang it above my fireplace?
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch