well lots of great advice maybe do a list of key points of here and go thru one by one - starting with the obvious - a magnifying glass would be handy - test for movement first -take action and barrel out and have a really good look - and as others have said that mount looks damn dodgy - but some great points on here to look for - even basics like does the barrel sit square in the stock or is it off to one side - the awnser could be bloody obvious its just one has missed it - this is a slightly weird one and I say that because its not a known problem with new tikkas - they are computor made and normally all come of the line shooting - but mistakes happen - saw a Remington a while ago and the bloody screw holes for scope mounts were out of line to action and barrel and a chinese .22 where the bore was of center to the barrel
Moving your position slightly between split groups.Hands,butt on sholder,feet.Moving body position slightly.
Group issue is well covered
How's the scope?
Thanks for the all the input fellas very helpful, I've made a bit of a list easiest and cheapest first and started with pulling the stock off - first thing I noticed was the action screws were snug but not as tight as I'd think it should be, second thing was the thread insert for the front stud was 3/4 of the way out the hole, it looks like it was never inserted properly from factory, I'm thinking that could have caused some shift in bipod positioning. Cleaned and reinstalled the thread insert, and torqued the action screws. I noticed the positioning of the rear screw is now centred whereas before I took it apart it was hard to one side. Hoping one of those two fixes it if not I'll move down the list.
Scope is good although I can't comment on it's performance beyond the range yet, got one animal with it but in hardly testing conditions. Waiting to get this rifle sorted before I head out to glass some slips. It's a difficult scope to find reviews for, one of the only in-depth reviews I could find was in a magazine, I'll PM it to you
good man- I really expected mechanical not you - if you took anything away from all the info then slowly eliminate all possible - and carefully work thru them - I dont doubt this is actually simple as Tikkas normally shoot -