Pop quiz
Two undisturbed deer, scoffing up large, the range an even 100yrds
So the question is............. Which one would you shoot first, and why..
Pop quiz
Two undisturbed deer, scoffing up large, the range an even 100yrds
So the question is............. Which one would you shoot first, and why..
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
If I had to shoot one, she'd get the bullet, as long as she was still looking tubby. Wouldn't expect her to be dropping for another few weeks, seeing as she's not a farmed one..
That's an extremely promising spiker, wouldn't like to shoot him unless I had a real need.
If you shoot him, you shoot 1 deer, young , tasty and you have no clue if one day he will ever be a good trophy or not.
If you shoot her , you kill two deers, ( her and her baby inside) and maybe a good number of other deer after that.
She seems young as well, tasty all right, but she would mostly have been shagged by a big boy in the neighbourhood , so , also it is even harder to tell,she would most likely carry a potential future big boy.
At the end of the day, they will both taste good, but if the territory you hunt :
-has hardly any deer , don't shoot any
- has a good number of deer and you know where big daddy his, shoot the stag
- has plenty of deer shoot the hind
- has too many deer, shoot both
And enjoy the meet!:-)
From that angle , and considerering all the above.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Friwis answer, but if i was slow getting ready, it'd be the last to leave the clearing.
I'd shoot the spiker, mainly because I just don't really like killing hinds at all. I know they need to be shot to keep a natural balance in the herd but I prefer to shoot srtags and spikers. Personally I have no interest in preserving and or enhancing trophy potential, I've shot some good heads but I like the randomness of those encounters.
We shot a hind two weeks ago and my son wanted to see if it had a slinky inside, I knew it would and didn't want to see it my self... Anyway I showed it to him and it reminded me of why I don't like shooting hinds (particularly when they are pregnant).
My general rule is to try to always shoot the smallest available deer, yearlings are my preference and you usually can't tell their sex until you shoot them. :-)
i would end up shooting the grass between them ,,, then blame my scope , then the wind , then make up a story about a yeti getting in the way .... and secretly wish I was a better shot ,
The spiker, I'm not interested in a trophy and I'll rather take more meat now and do less damage to the population in the area. just me though.
Well put Friwi! I'm with you.
I'd only shoot one if I wanted the meat.
If so then the Spiker would get it.
The hind would live to provide next years Spiker.
Spiker for me, You cant eat antler and I am not really an antler collector myself.
( Actually if I could I would have a crack at both providing both complete animals could be easily recovered whole, food is food after all. )
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Ok so for those that would only shoot if they needed the meat, do you hunt all the time or only when you need the meat?? Not stirring but genuinely interested. Reason is I go most weekends, reason I go is to shoot a deer (don't really care what sort but if a choice spiker/stag or yearling. If no choice then it's the one I see) couldn't be arse taking gun for a walk to not shoot anything if I didn't need the meat.......unless of course you are scared in the bush on your own hence armed tramping??
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I once cross the path deep into the kaimai with a lady tramper in her late 40's.
She was carrying a big tactical knife on her belt. I for sure would not have tried to mess with her!
Or maybe she did not tried to rape me because I had a gun? Who knows.... :-)