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Thread: COLFO ?

  1. #1
    Apparently the 2 biggest cunts on here lol Philipo's Avatar
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    COLFO ?

    Just out of interest, can someone enlighten me to why I pay a Colfo sub & what sort of return I'm getting especially over the whole FA reform of the last few months ?

    To me the licensed, sensible & responsible firearms owners of NZ need a decent voice that is media & PA savvy, something we seem to be sadly lacking in my opinion at the moment.
    outlander likes this.
    Shoot it, root it & then BBQ it !!!

  2. #2
    Member Blisters's Avatar
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    what do you suggest?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    @Philipo. Havent you been paying attention mate. COLFO have been doing a brilliant job representing us.
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  4. #4
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philipo View Post
    Just out of interest, can someone enlighten me to why I pay a Colfo sub & what sort of return I'm getting especially over the whole FA reform of the last few months ?

    To me the licensed, sensible & responsible firearms owners of NZ need a decent voice that is media & PA savvy, something we seem to be sadly lacking in my opinion at the moment.
    Your post summarises well what most feel about the past five months: frustration, biting our tongues, and is it really helping? Fair question.

    We're not going to get our old firearms laws back, no matter who represents us, that is not meant as an excuse, just reality, better just make peace with that.

    COLFO is now continuously putting press releases and good information out there to press and politicians, it is all sensible stuff, and if it does not get through nothing will. No accident that more journalists are finally doing their job to challenge the official narrative. And not surprising that Hera Cook and Co are now attacking COLFO's credibility - questioning if gun owners really are as angry as COLFO claims they are. An organisation representing 40,000 members (and potentially 250,000) is big in NZ terms and the gentle giant has now stood up and cranks its relentless and accurate information machine which is picking up speed.

    The chickens WILL come home to roost.
    Last edited by Cordite; 18-08-2019 at 11:25 PM.
    erniec, MrHappyNZ, Woody and 5 others like this.

  5. #5
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    "When you're taking flak, it means you're over the target".

    As Cordite said; if COLFO were to be easily ignored, they would be being ignored. Clearly their moderate and reasonable approach is increasingly worrying the guncontrollers.

    I've donated to COLFO before the present collection of reeking turds hit the rotational air impeller, and more since, because they are, again IMO, our best hope for a unifying, 'umbrella' approach that can help all LFAOs.

    I do not think they can succeed* because the last few months have taught us (well, those of us who did not already believe it) that as long as some 'other' gun owner is more directly affected, vilified and disadvantaged, the "I'm happy that they're not coming for me" sector keeps a low profile and their hands out of their pockets.

    As The Only Great Winston (Churchill) said:

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    * Which is absolutely no reason not to try. Plus, "the horse may learn to sing". Plus, I've been wrong on yeah many occasions :-)
    SIKAHUNTER, MrHappyNZ and Finnwolf like this.

  6. #6
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    I think that the COLFO Fair and Reasonable campaign is as good an initiative as any in response to what has happened. Philipo your continued support is important. They are now getting financial support from corners that were previously not very supportive and that momentum is increasing their ability to act in our interests.

    I agree with Cordite that there will not be a return to the way it was but I am optimistic about the prospect of some degree of good sense walk back.
    grunzter, Cordite and sightpicture like this.
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  7. #7
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    They are indeed doing a lot.
    I think we do need another front though. there is a storm brewing.....
    grunzter likes this.
    Use enough gun

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40mm View Post
    I think we do need another front though. there is a storm brewing.....
    I agree, another big-hitter to compliment COLFLO is definitely needed to help divide and conquer. Federated Farmers and NZDA are two obvious starters but there are others.
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  9. #9
    LRP is offline
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    Seems to me there's FARKALL unity and agreement amongst LFAO's ? We're doomed right there, hence the law makers will just be telling us whats gonna happen. No 'democracy', no choice .... as per normal throuhout our kiwi history. No surprises.

    Even if we all gave COLFO $100 each, would it change any outcomes for us ?

  10. #10
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LRP View Post
    Seems to me there's FARKALL unity and agreement amongst LFAO's ? ?
    And this is the reason why
    sneeze, Steve123 and sightpicture like this.

  11. #11
    Large Member mimms's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muzza View Post
    Now - I think they are getting more traction , the legal actions they are looking at are a step in the right direction , and we are seeing them more visible.
    Send lawyers, guns and money eh?
    Pay my lawyer, he wanted a third yacht for this season.

    Quote Originally Posted by 40mm View Post
    They are indeed doing a lot.
    I think we do need another front though. there is a storm brewing.....

  12. #12
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mimms View Post
    Yes, poor bastards, every 7.5 million of them, men, women, children, and of course the odd binary undecided.

    I'd be shit scared of any extradition to Chinese judicial state serving system. Not a "justice system" and charges can be made up in the typing pool, possibly involving a competition for a pack of cigarettes.

    Especially as I have a rare-ish tissue type.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by LRP View Post
    Seems to me there's FARKALL unity and agreement amongst LFAO's ? We're doomed right there, hence the law makers will just be telling us whats gonna happen. No 'democracy', no choice .... as per normal throuhout our kiwi history. No surprises.

    Even if we all gave COLFO $100 each, would it change any outcomes for us ?
    I don’t know but in my books it’s worth trying, if you don’t you’ll be forever wondering...
    sneeze, zimmer, MrHappyNZ and 5 others like this.

  14. #14
    Member aetchell's Avatar
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    Do reports of gun owners’ anger stack up? https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/progr...anger-stack-up

    Doesn't help when the media decide to back up the findings of that lefty 'academic' outfit either yet they fail to take action or report when gun control nz use unfounded information, blatent lies and skewed statistics to further their own goals, justify salary and otherwise drain the acedmic system of cash fornthere own goals.

    Sent from my ELE-L09 using Tapatalk
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  15. #15
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aetchell View Post
    Do reports of gun owners’ anger stack up? https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/progr...anger-stack-up

    Doesn't help when the media decide to back up the findings of that lefty 'academic' outfit either yet they fail to take action or report when Gun Control NZ use unfounded information, blatant lies and skewed statistics to further their own goals, justify salary and otherwise drain the academic system of cash for their own goals.
    They are trying desperately to discredit COLFO. Suddenly feign concern that lawful firearms owners are misrepresented. What!?! I did not hear #Hera Cook and #Marie Russel protesting over the rushed sham select committee 3-months-into-a-weekend undemocratic "consultation" earlier this year. No doubt COLFO listens to more shooters than Cook/Russell ever did.



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