Was up at the range over the weekend trialing .22 ammo in my Remington 541T. I have heaps of trouble with the factory 10 round mag. Different brands gave different problems.
Some ammo such as the Eley Sport and Contact wouldn't stay in the mag and would eventually all machine gun out the top (before being clicked into the rifle)
The Norma wouldn't rise up at the front as the bolt was pushed forward so would just jamb into the bolt face
I see T-bird Steve has new mags on Trademe but the present mag doesn't look worn or damaged so don't want to spent money only to have no improvement. Is there anyone who has found a solution to this problem in 541 580 581 or 582 rifles?
Remington 10 shot factory magazine
Rounds about to jump out of the magazine
there is only 3 rounds in the mag and they want to jump out already