Interested to get people's thoughts on these two scale charts I did up today.
Like alot of people I don't have a scope with a ballistic turret that can adjusted for different range shots, and I don't have the money to buy one either. So I've been thinking of a way to more reliably allow for bullet drop when the ground doesn't allow me to get in close to a range there's not enough drop to worry about.
This idea comes from my days of Army marksman shooting, where we used scale drawings with our aim-off aim points for different ranges marked on the drawings.
Has anyone else tried something like this, was it successful?
Note: I have not used, tested, or validated these charts in anyway! Use at your own risk. I've used the DOC average shoulder height for Red Deer hinds (1m) and stags (1.2m) to base scale and 'ruler' measurements off. Aim points are a bit low, I need to fix them.
Attachment 206643Attachment 206644