Its to early to say for sure , lets just say , at this stage I am very happy so far , and IF its not , I will just drop another coldhammer forged barrel on her , and move on .
Yeap the MST-100 is cammed for 173-175gr bullet at 2600fps ( I am using 175gr SMKs ) , and I am lucky to have 2x MST-100s , one on this rare Parker Hale M87 ( C3A1 clone ) , and one ready to go onto a Rem700 thats being made into a M40A1 clone at the moment .
These scopes have a parallex adjustment in the front thats meant to be adjsuted to the range you want and then locked down with a spanner , so its a re-settable rather than a readily adjustable para feature , and TRUST me on this , NEVER ever touch it , ensure its locked OFF , and forget it exists ( and YES that is from actuall experience ) .
IF you donot , expect to spend a day trying to get it sorted , and only to give UP .
At this stage , I am VERY happy with this rifle , its a dream come true for me , and a build thats taken years & years ( closer to a decade ) .
Later Chris