Jock traced one of his dinner plates as a template so he will have to confirm but I would say 12" if I was a betting man @PerazziSC3 will have to confirm
Good shooting you blokes.
The more you shoot the better you be.
Shooting hundreds of wallaby a year for the last few years has upped my game. One thing I have learned is that its worth while making sure you have the best rest possible and its only in the sudden spook and shoot situations that I will shoot off hand. My hit rate on running wallaby is pretty miserable but with a good rest I seldom ever miss out to a few hundred yards.
I've shot 40 deer this year for about 45 shots. Don't recall a miss but there has been the odd follow up shot when they have not gone down quick enough. 50 to 500 yards. Maybe 5 of them were standing shots, the balance with a rest. Sometimes just a tree or my pack on a scrub bush. Mostly off a bipod.
I put a lot of time into ensuring that my rifles shoot spot on. But I know this, when it comes to shooting a 12" plate at 200 yards Im very likely to embarrass myself. I will give it a go though and post the results.
Last edited by Tahr; 26-06-2022 at 04:49 PM.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
my rough boresight was miserable fail with the .45/70......was about 12" low at about a hundy.....
I say about as the rock I used to check on knob down hill was small and I wasnt going down to it back to near enough....and still managed to miss a wallaby at 50 yards....I did however get two with one round later all of 25 yards,both got a finishing round but neither would have lived long.
did find out that 4x makes them look tiny at 5-600 yards LOL... will have to do the proper range thing and see whats what..... the three paper plates I carried all day were not harmed in the making of this journey.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Only do 1 shot groups with hunting rifles, where the first shot goes on clean barrel means much to me, seldom shoot over 200 meters, most shots 20-40 meters.
@Gibo, it 200 not 20![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
at 20mtrs with a smoothbore that would be very good.......
75/15/10 black powder matters
My efforts.
Unknown distance. If I remember I’ll try n RF it.
Two shots. Different positions both unsupported.
Target is at bottom of white line.
Second shot bullet ‘skipped’ onto plate.
First shot clipped the edge.
Second is closer to the middle.
The corner where the dirt is was stuck into the ground.
It’s a bread n butter plate size. 7-8” maybe…
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck with the dinner plate shooting guys,interesting.
Id be pissed off if i cant shoot a 5 cent coin at a hundy,cold clean bore shot(kill shot),shooting off a rest.But 500 yds would be my limit on a red,400 on a fallow,but id want a good shooting position for that distance.Probly shot half my deer out to 100yds,me standing no rest.Ten deer+1 pig last summer plus 2 misses.The 2 misses were around the 300 350yds,hurryed shots,not confortable shooting positions lying on stoney river bed,bugger it.Every couple of months in summer i go to the range,using 147gr nato ammo.I practice hitting the dinner plate at 50,100yds just standing,can be hard to do sometimes.
If you can.just fire two rounds at your target say,200yds,go home,let the barrel cool down over night.Come back the next day fire 2 more.These are yr kill shots out hunting if you are on the dot.You hear a lot of guys shooting 20,30 rds in one visit to the range,your barrel gets too hot,you chasing yr scope around.Any how got lucky 2 summers ago,shot two deer on the run thru the necks at 160yds and 200yds.Shot both deer about a minuts apart,shooting thru a thermal clip on.
I cant do the dinner plate thing at the moment,my scope is off the rifle.Im waiting for a new scope,nothing flash,to come up from the deep south.