Took 5 rifles out for a dinner plate shoot this morning, weather perfect , no wind to speak of. I went to a spot i could get 400 yds but the trees have grown a bit so only managed 325 yds which for this was good enough. I used my day pack and bush shirt rolled up under the butt for support similar to field shooting. 1 shot from a clean cold bore for each.
As you can see the 223 was quite a bit low but the rest were all good. Last time i used the 223 i hit a small (6 inch ) gong at 200 yards twice so not sure what was going on but after the dinner plate challenge I re sighted it in and it was 2 MOA low, now it is about 1.6 inch high at 100 yards. Certainly pays to check your zero on a semi regular basis otherwise you could get caught out.