Took 5 rifles out for a dinner plate shoot this morning, weather perfect , no wind to speak of. I went to a spot i could get 400 yds but the trees have grown a bit so only managed 325 yds which for this was good enough. I used my day pack and bush shirt rolled up under the butt for support similar to field shooting. 1 shot from a clean cold bore for each.
As you can see the 223 was quite a bit low but the rest were all good. Last time i used the 223 i hit a small (6 inch ) gong at 200 yards twice so not sure what was going on but after the dinner plate challenge I re sighted it in and it was 2 MOA low, now it is about 1.6 inch high at 100 yards. Certainly pays to check your zero on a semi regular basis otherwise you could get caught out.
Nice @Mooseman it can be a bit of an eye opener eh.
Remember the 7 “P”s; Pryor Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
Greetings All,
It dawned fine, clear and calm again in HB today so time for another crack at the challenge. Today the subject was my T3 6.5x55 shot sitting at 198 metres using my Pole Cat sticks. As far as I can remember the rifle was zeroed for the current load at 200 metres. The shot was dead on for windage and 90 mm low, just inside my 195mm circle. The circle was a little hard to see through my 6 power scope so I will fatten up the line for next time. Any shots I take in the field are likely to be sitting with the sticks so some testing is on the cards for any impact shift between the bench and them. This is a good and interesting test which I will repeat every range session from now on. Photo is from the shootong position with the cell phone zoomed up as far as it will go.
Regards Grandpamac.
Gonna give it a go with the 44 and red dot ,then with the peep sights fitted,should be interesting..
Greetings Again,
Finally worked out how to whittle down the size of my photo's so here is my dinnerplate target.
Not a dinner plate shot, but that’s were it ended up. Barrel was fouled on the drive down.
Cold bore 561 yds. Off my Molly Me.
the strap wont effect a thing UNLESS you put pressure on it.....loads of early safari type rifles had sling mounted there,had a barrel band on them for it...has advantage of sitting lower on your shoulder when slung.
75/15/10 black powder matters
I have three gongs set up permanently on farm and if I have rifle with me I'll randomly stop and do a quick drill, prone but unsupported at a 6" gong at 260yds, then a 10" gong at 440 and one at 530 off a rolled up jacket or whatever I have available at the time, hit the 260 100% of the time, 440 nearly everytime and the 530 I'm reasonably consistent on it's just the wind that plays games with me shooting a .333 BC 243 bullet
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles