I’ve been practicing shooting in various sitting / standing positions as the grass is so long, prone shooting is a non-starter. Some gong practice shooting uncomfortable positions has really helped fine tune the setup.
What I have found is that the DPT Hunter chassis with a wide sling around the left forearm and left elbow on my left knee, right hand on the pistol grip and right elbow on my right knee which is supported by the sloping ground, produces a very stable position with which to take some difficult shots.
Recently I’ve been hunting hard country on shitty gradients where long grass / scrub and bad lies make prone shooting impossible. I’ve really appreciated getting the sitting position sorted as its pretty much on autopilot now. Getting the sling length just right was important.
This was a tough shot - a good red stag stopped to take one last look back up the spur to see if the smelly human was still there. Neck shot was the only option in the scrub. Shot angle was >30° down, about 140-150m. Something that is also on autopilot is remembering to aim slightly low on the steeply angled closer shots. My .308 Win POI is 2.5” low at 100m (200m zero) and I’ve pretty much got this hard-coded when snap shooting, again thanks to “dinner plate” practice on the gong.