Very good shooting.:thumbsup:
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Very good shooting.:thumbsup:
Earlier this week I finalised in theory a 6.5*55 load using sierra 140grain gamechanger bullets and today with fair weather conditions I went to Rotorua NZDA 300metre range to test it. Strelok predicted 2 1/4 moa elevation off my 220 metre zero. Labradar confirmwd MV @ 2764'/sec. I was very pleased with the proof group of 25mm - 0.29moa shooting prone off pack; no sling and my left fist supporting the toe of the stock. Rifle Schultz and Larsen Victory and scipe @ 12X
Attachment 205994
I also rechecked my zero for my go to Sgk sbt 140 load at 300m and it gruipwd .57moa. :) Pleasing.
It's a perishable skill shooting offhand. I've been devoting more time to it after following this thread. It's not all downsides either - you get less felt recoil than when you're prone (my opinion). I actually got away with my old field target air rifle position using my 45-70. Just don't hold it for more than say 10 seconds tops. Take a rest and try again, close your eye and check if you're naturally on or do you need to adjust your feet?
I built a tall target to check drops against strelok.
3 @405m, over a pack and with a very light l-r wind. strelok predicted 90cm drop - looks pretty good to me.
Finally got to the range again to try this out. Did a zero session for both my rifles then tried this, so not clean bore, and a bit of heat mirage going on. I had both rifles set to 5x. As is evidenced by the left plate (completely missed with the .308) I don’t do a lot of standing unsupported shooting, I prefer a quick drop to the knee, which I did on right hand target.
This is 100m with a bit of headwind. Anything out to 200 I’m happy to shoot off the knee, but any further out I usually have time to go prone and shoot off my pack.
Attachment 207822
Nice afternoon so I thought I'd chance my arm with the Howa 7.62x39. Cheated a bit and used my diy front rest but as it was 380 metres I thought I need all the help I can get so why not.
1-6 bdc scope, Norinco silver box fmj, 12 inch plate, slight swirling breeze from 9 oclock. First shot ding, see it's on the rhs second in the middle, third on left edge as the wind must have dropped. I'm pretty suprised and quite pleased. It's not a range I would consider shooting at an animal with this cartridge though.
got bored sitting at home so rebedded the Howa .270w with a hot gluegun "blob job" similar to what model 70 winchesters and weatherbys have done in factory...rather happy with outcome and removed pressure points from forestock at same time....
my target paper is 6"x8" with a 1" dot in centre...first two rounds wer inch off to left at hundy...slight adjustment and we good to go..hard work at hundy yards with fixed 4x post n rail...the post covers an inch at that range so its a matter of holding under till just about to fire then slight bit of up and squeaze off.
Attachment 208817 this fella made mistake of stopping where I could see him...SST at a blistering speed in a hot load did the rest..LEFT HANDED out window of terrano at eye watering range of THREE PACES...
Nice :thumbsup: