I was good once, I knew I couldn’t hit the plate before I fired and was tempted to try a sitting shot with my elbows on my knees but was pushed for time so fired anyway.
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Norsk, outstanding effort. A lot of practice behind that result!
@Tentman….yeah mate,that is some very sound advice right there.I do it with HMR 17 when competitions come up,makes all the difference in the world when transitioning back to the “healthier” calibers
At the range with my " new" Lee Speed.
8 shots standing,surplus ball ammo from 1943.
Pulled that flyer badly but all in all happy with the Rifle,barrel heats up really quickly
. Need to find some proper heavy .311 bullets because it shoots so high.
Attachment 265148 125 yard zero check.
I normally shoot better than that too. The .223 fired two further rounds today,two big fat muttons ( mine) hanging in the garage now. So much easier just debaaing them out in paddock ,no stress and no man handling them.
Slug the bore before looking for projectiles, very few are .311", .313" is more likely, I cast and sell bullets for the .303 mine are sized .314" and even they are not big enough
to fit some barrels, don't use military surplus ammo if you value your bore it is load with Cordite and will erode the rifling, the original .303 was loaded with 215 grain paper patched
lead projectiles and black powder, swapping to a 215 RN copper jacket and cordite, Norma at one time made their version of this bullet, the Hornady 174 RN is the closest to the original
We had a go at a "challenge" simulating this sort of thing at our range the other day. I rigged up a deer target with a 150mm gong in the vital spot. We went back to 571M. Pretty much what Eric Cortina calls his ethical hunter challenge.
You ought to have seen the guys faces as I read the course of fire "only your first shot counts, no shooting other gongs till you've done your cold bore shot on this target". We did give them two just to improve morale. Wind was about one MOA value. Two shooters (out of 8) made it on the first shot, me included although the mental pressure on me was a good deal less because I fully understood the structure of it. Both sucessfull shots made with 6mm CMs haha.
100m standing offhand with the .223, ignore the .308 group.
Attachment 265349
I shot off the last of my ammo for my M-28. It's a shitty Rifle but it shoots well enough.
10 rounds offhand 100m
Just checking elevation at 400yds(308) with thermal clipon on front of scope,blastery nor west blowing left to right.Need to dial day scope down 2 clks.Shooting off bonnet of truck. Attachment 267588