Try 180g eldm and 162 eldm as well
Try 180g eldm and 162 eldm as well
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Perhaps not ideal but when I finally get to shoot at 1,000 yards, hopefully later this year, it will be with a 7mm SAUM and Remington brass. It is what I have. The rifle is a Sendero bought new in 2004 with dreams of cruising the tops, pinging deer at long range, for me that is. Regrettably dreams are what they were so I will settle for long range targets.
Regards Grandpamac.
Owned a 7mm Magnum, currently own a 7mm SAUM. The end result on paper or on animals has remained the same. Just got the SAUM as I found a model 7 factory rifle so thought was something cool to have.
7mms are a good flavour
@Southerner223 what are those three? Is that 7mm Saum, 08? and rem mag?
Sourcing components for comp shooters who shoot shit loads of rounds compared to hunters who setup and shoot enough to get dialled in and then hunt is a completely different kettle of fish. If you are a hunter then SAUM is easy to source stuff for.
use what you have got....experiment with different projectiles...the .277 has been knee capped for years with piss poor projectile choice/selection but its finnally playing catchup to some degree,loads of folks have had great results with the 145 hornady jobbies and if you look around folks were doing some reasonably good things out reasonably long with std 140-150 grn projectiles long before that AND if your reloading components still easy to get.
now if your talking longer range hunting,the difference between what youve got and what your looking at is academic anyway as you will be dialing so another click or two means nothing.
75/15/10 black powder matters
A 7mm/6.5prc seems to be a lot of work for nothing more than a slightly shorter 284w.
Just a slopy retrobate
I still think 284win velocities are the sweet spot for hunting with 162s in NZ.
Anything more is fine for geeking out on ballistics but realistically I need to move to Utah or Western Australia before it really means anything in the real world.
I just loaded up some 215 hybrids for a 300prc and while looking for load data read a thread about the 215 in both 3006 and long barrelled 308s. Made me think that even referring to calibre is pointless these days.
The Rem mag is still a great performer for what we hunt in NZ, one of many 7mm's I've owned over the years but I'm very looking forward to my soon arriving 7PRC to turn up.
Someone on here mentioned that there wasn't much difference between the 6.5 & 7PRC but by my calculations theres over a 25% increase according to their H2O capacity
6.5CM - 52.5, 6.5 PRC - 62.0, 7mm PRC - 78.0 & 7mm RM 82.0
All factory Hornady "precision" ammo apart from the 6.5PRC ( but similar to factory )
PS - Just a couple of observations, I'm on the fence with the 6.5 PRC, I've had a couple & I love the cartridge, it's great fun to shoot but not sold on it's killing performance & while I still like the Rem mag, down side being a magnum the projectile in factory ammo are seated very deep to mag fit, something that modern cartridges seem to have improved on.
Shoot it, root it & then BBQ it !!!
Yip standard saami handicap their with the old faithfull twist it up right with a long mag and a custom throat and its still the king of the mountains, im with you re the prc killing my 6 5 saum wrecked shit huge internal damage but kills were delayed compared to the 7s and 30s . Theirs alot of digits between 143 and 180
Ive often wondered why the belt hasnt been carried on right up to a fatter external with same internals...much stronger case but longer case life and ability to handle higher pressures
75/15/10 black powder matters
Because the belt already supports the weakest part of the case surrounding the primer pocket. The rest of the case body is supported by the chamber wall, providing your sizing die is set properly and the necks annealed it will be the web expanding that kills the case.
Just a slopy retrobate
I've been playing with a 7prc for a week or 2 now.
My new long range rig and it's first kill a red at 40 yards, not the test I was thinking of.
That's the entry hole, you just can't compare the power of the PRC shooting 175-180 to a 6.5 shooting 143 weight.
I'm just starting to load for it now trying 2217 and 2225 both are looking like giving me just over 2800fps with the 180 from a 20".
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