Wanting to hear any suggestions for sourcing steel as how best to mount to set up some centerfire steel targets ? Looking to build my own KYL target as they don’t ship to nz, look like a lot of fun and a great challenge.
Wanting to hear any suggestions for sourcing steel as how best to mount to set up some centerfire steel targets ? Looking to build my own KYL target as they don’t ship to nz, look like a lot of fun and a great challenge.
Search on this forum, there’s a heap of info.
message @Cowboy06 on here or email srdupontengineering@gmail.com hes rifle ranch targets - hes in south canterbury.
Last edited by muzr257; 10-05-2021 at 04:11 PM.
I build KYL targets in centerfire amd rimfire and can ship to wherever in Nz. Visit Rifle Ranch Targets on Facebook.
Go to your local scrap dealer or heavy machinary place and see if they have any old growsers or leading edges off of bulldozers that they've replaced, pretty sure they're the right grade of steel and cheap as chips. Cut to size and put some tabs or holes in it.
You need AR500 or AR550 steel or else youll get deep pits that are sharp on your hands and can ricochet bullets and lead back. Also after a while bullets shoot through them and they need welding to repair. Realshooting steel is virtually unmarked by a 308 bullet even at 50m.
Got mine made up a Realsteal in Upper Hutt
Thanks for the comments guys! Really appreciate it, will look into all the options you’ve listed.
If you let me know the sizes for the targets ie. diameter of target part. I can see how much some 6mm AR is and get my brother to cut out on water jet. Be cool to make one for myself as well
This was August last year. I get a pretty sharp discount. @Marty Henry These are 12mm, they don't do 10mm in AR500 anymore, well they didn't at that time.
I did a heap for the forum a while ago but it was a nightmare sorting out pick ups. I'll get another quote for ya, you'll need to blow a hole with gas torch as they charge heaps just to cut a hole.
Steel Targets NZ in Palmerston North is a delight to deal with.
I scored some blades from a sheet metal shop (off of a press brake I think)
not sure of the grade, am yet to shoot em up.
I hope they are good, 25mm thick and about three meters long....
Use enough gun