Hornady 4dof is really good for a relatively simple end user interface but no different to anything else, bad data in bad data out.
Being able to "point and shoot" is gonna depend on your muzzle velocity & how good the projectile your using is. And the type / size animal your shooting obviously.
If it was me, i would use a chronograph so you can see what you MV is. Hornady has the 150gr interlock data in the 4dof app so you can then use the app, put in all the relevant data the app requires along with the MV and it will give you the information your looking for. Obviously you would want to test at the range & verify but ive found it to be pretty damn close if you dont fudge any of it and take the time to put the correct data in.
From that you could play around with the zero range in the app and see which zero will work best for what your trying to achieve.